Your Powers~ Bucky Barns Part 2

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Okay, here we go!


A thief. There was a thief in your bother's room. 

You just stood there, shocked. You didn't know what to do. All those years of your bother telling you to just punch someone went right through the window, literally. You tried to punch him but you missed, you punched and broke a window which resulted in a bloody hand. You grabbed your hand holding it to your body, spinning around in search of the thief, but he disappeared. Or at least that's what you thought. Just as you were about to leave the room to go to the police station, you got hit on the head and passed out. (Yeah, I made you an idiot) 

When you woke up, you had this massive headache and it sounded like someone was banging a hammer, which didn't help at all. You opened your eyes to find yourself in a semi-dark room, on a hospital bed. You look down expecting to see your uniform from the diner, but instead, you're greeted with a large white shirt tucked into some men's army pants, a dark brown leather bomber jacket and a pair of way to big army boots. 

You feel violated, someone had to have stripped you to get these clothes on. What if that someone did more than just change your clothes? You didn't feel any pain, but there was still a horrible feeling that something definitely happened. 

Before you could really think through what was happening, where you were or just why? The door was busted open by a man slamming into, who looked very bad. He had deep cuts all over him from head to toe, bloody knuckles and a cut lip, and that may or may not be a bullet wound on his arm? He was lying on the floor catching his breath when a large man strode in with confidence radiating off him, "Probably a pathological narcissist." You thought to yourself.

"Actually, my dear, just a plain ol' narcissist." He said with a small sadistic smirk. And a very prominent German accent. Your best friend fled from the war in Germany, so you knew that not all Germans were bad, but something about him gave off that "I'm German and not the nice kind" vibe.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" You asked yourself in a whisper.

"No, Darling you didn't," He said with the same smirk, but a different tone of voice, almost like he was proud. Proud of what? Himself?...Me? But that makes no sense why would he be proud of me?

"Hazza, Because you are a success Darling." He said with a loud voice.  Why is he calling me Darling, only Bucky, and Steve are allowed to call me that. What does he mean success?

"My dear sweet child, you are the first success in the entire program, I must inform the Dr.," he said rushing out of the room, leaving me and this dying man alone. You quickly jumped off the bed and rush over the man on the floor, I don't know why but for some reason you knew you could help him. How you had no idea.

Crouching in front him you looked at the extensiveness of his wounds, how was he still alive? He must really have something to live for. When you got a good look at his face, you were shocked, this guy couldn't be more than eighteen, he wasn't even that much older than you. He had a square and very defined jaw, with light stubble, long dark brown hair, and light blue eyes. (Pic above) He was breathing really heavily and was trying to get away from you.

"Hey, hey I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help, ok?" You said with the soothing voice you didn't even knew you had. He looked at you suspiciously, eyeing you looking for anything that proved you were on his side. He didn't have to say anything, he needed to know some more about you to prove you were a good guy. Not just an America girl wearing army clothes.  

"Umm, My name is (y/n) Barns, I'm from New York City, My bro-"

"Wait, (y/n) Barns, New York. As in James Barns." he cut you off sitting up slightly and looking at you with new hope in his eyes. 

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