Chapter 27 - Demetrius

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 Chapter 27

"Demetrius, Stop." He heard Kharn shout.

He turned on him, eyes wide and body tense. He saw the fear flicker on Kharn's face. He was just so angry. Why was it that everything he had known was crumbling around him, and the only ones who could help him catch the falling pieces, were the ones tearing them down in the first place.

He just felt so angry, he felt betrayed. He felt as if he had been stabbed in the back. He could almost feel the burn inside his chest. The fire, the drive. It beat alongside his heart, only stronger, and more alive.

He needed to release, he would deal with Eric later, or what ever Eric was. He just needed to release.

"Demetrius. Think about what you're doing." Kharn said desperately. "I beg you."

Demetrius's eyes bore into Kharn's. He felt powerful when Kharns eyes quickly flicked to the dirt.

"Are you loyal to me?" He said. The venom was thick on his tongue.
"Are you not loyal to my House?"

Kharn was quick to reply.
"I am."

"Good." Demetrius said. "Then prove it."

"What?" Kharn asked, confused.

"Go and round up as many of your former colleagues, and bring them to me."

"What... What are you going to do with them?"

"I will set an example."

He spied Eric, Talya and Aaron crawl from the sewer entrance. They spotted him and hurried over.

"Go now, knowing that if you fail, I will sentence you to die."

Kharn looked troubled, but decided to obey. He quickly bowed, and ran off into the city.

"Demetrius." Aaron called, as they approached. He ignored them, and stormed to the command tent.

He clutched Kharn's knife tightly in his hand, it was slippery with sweat. The two guards stepped forward, blocking his entrance. They were wearing the United Forces uniform, so he assumed the General was inside.

Sensing that the guards would not allow his entrance, he quickly punched one in the throat, and wrapped his arms around the neck of the other. Without making a sound, he was quickly able to take out the guards.
He stood up, and brushed of the dirt from his trousers.

He reached down and swapped Kharn's knife for a more substantial sword. He inspected it closely. It was covered in notches and it was deeply scratched. It reminded him of how desperately they had needed to win the war on Vulca. The Kingdom was in desperate need for more steel.

Quietly, he slipped behind the tent flap, and crouched his way inside. He could see the general sitting alone in an arm chair, his back towards Demetrius. He listened, and heard the slow and steady rhythmic breathing that told him the general was asleep. Turns out he would need the knife after all.

He crept up behind the sleeping General, and placed the silver blade to his throat. How easily he could kill him, with just a flick of his wrist, he could end the man's life. He liked feeling this powerful.

Macros woke instantly, and Demetrius pressed harder against his skin, drawing a single drop of crimson blood.

"She's in the markets." He whispered quickly. "She's addressing the people in the markets."

Somehow the Generals words only fuelled his growing anger.

"You are a man without honour." He spat. "A coward. A traitor, and a liar. The flies will not feast from your body as you lie rotting in the sewers."

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