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Introduction (*Zack POV*)

Im a 16 year old runaway that's all you really need to know. I have been living in foster care about 2 years now and you're probably wondering don't you go to foster when parents can't take care of you, yes, but you see nobody knows why I ran away and I will never tell. Once the police saw me on the benches with dirty clothes they took me in to the station and tried to get my information, but they couldn't because my parents are HA I'm not saying anything. So anyways yea they couldn't find my identity so the state changed my name to Zack, Zack King to be exact.

Right now I'm in the waiting room because apparently there is a family that is looking for a teenager and I sadly go under that list. I've been sitting in the table drawing my favorite thing to draw skulls with dead roses coming out of the cracks. While I'm shading the roses I see two shadows standing in front of me. I look up and I see a couple. The woman has blonde bleach hair with blue eyes, and a huge smile across her face she looks normal? And as for the man he has light brown hair and a sharp ass jawline and light brown eyes and also looks normal?

"Hi and who might you be?" Asked the lady.


"Sorry about him. He is a runaway and ever since he is the quietest out of everybody here, but he is quite observant and protects anybody. He isn't exactly shy, but he is a mysterious person that doesn't let anybody break down his walls." Of course Patricia the worker here had to say coming up to the table.

I look back at the couple in front and raise my eyebrow bringing a hint to them saying "can you leave now."

"We want him." I hear the random man speak up.

What the holy fuck! He... well THEY want me out of everybody? I'm a freak for God sakes!

I grab my pencil and write on another piece of paper "Why?"

"I feel a connection between us. I don't know your name and I know nothing about you, but you seem like a very nice gentleman and we want to take you home with us." I look up and stare into the lady's eyes and then to the guys and just say nothing, but giving silence.

After a few more seconds I finally nod my head.

*Skipping through the paperwork and all that jazz*

"Is this the first time you have been adopted Zack?" 


"Will you ever speak to us?"

Shrug silence.

"We aren't going to give up on you Zack I can see you have potential. You may not speak to us for a few days or weeks, but hopefully one day you will. Hopefully one day you can call us your mom and dad because we are not going to get rid of you. We might have just got you today, but you are family now and we will always be here for you no matter what."


I can't say anything. It's been so long since I have spoken a word. You could say I have gone mute, but it's like that night will always haunt me. I couldn't say anything that night so what makes it seem like it's okay to speak now.

After driving for one more hour we finally pull up to this beautiful mansion and I just look in adoration. It's like in princess movies when I would watch it with my little sister.

Little sister.

Oh god please not now. I don't need to be crying right now I tell myself while wiping the few tears that have fallen.

You disgusted piece of shit it's all your fault!

I start to shake my head hoping it gets rid of my thoughts... well past and just admire the beautiful house I will now be living in.

I look up to the windows and I see a boy. A beautiful gorgeous boy that is shirtless and is looking out the window and just gives a disgusted look and closes the curtains.

"Don't worry about him that's our son Dominick and now to be your brother!" Says Angelica my adoptive um mother I guess.

"You ready son?" Says Connor my apotive father.

I will never get use to saying that in my head.

I nod slowly while opening the door and grab my packback that I have and then close the door and turn around to take a deep breath. This is a new chapter in my life and who knew it was going to be a roller coaster.


So new story! I'm really excited because I feel like I know what to do and how to word my work. I know it's really different from others you can say, but hey everybody is different in their own ways.

Please vote and comment any ideas or anything! Much love Meeeee:)

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