tagged (I'm baaaaaack)

14 1 3

Welp hello everyone after literal Months in back......WITH A TAG WHOOP WHOOP. I know I know I pronised updates and whelllllllll. I'll try I'm not really busy just couldn't find the means to update but enough of that ONWARDS WITH THE TAG DUN DUN DUHHHHHH.

1. I support the Lgbtq community but I'm straight you do you boo love who you want I support you. (Unless your a certain blonde haired ompaloompa of a president if your him well you can go jump off a microwave 😊)

2. If you mention fanfics within 10 feet of me I hope you're ready to get yoyr ear talked off about anime, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, ECT. So beware (hehehe)

3. I try to be Rational and I'm actually onr off the more rational people I know BUTT do not INSULT my friends and we'll be Gucci 👌but looking at it I'm definitely short tempered be careful or you might lose your shins 😅

4. I feel that I'm an artistic person I love anything to do with art I also plan on getting a degree in fine arts of digital animation. Art IS MY CALLING IN LIFE

5. Honestly I'm a decent writer but I have to do numerous spell checks because I'm not the best at that(as you can see) but if you need to write a paper about poverty/homeless rates, and things like how corrupt the U.S. Government is or How the Media Can over normalize things like school shootings hit yo gurl up I got chu. Just be ready to do some spell checking. 😉

6. I don't really do tags because I don't get tagged (I think idk) so yeah *wink wink nudged nudged*😉

7. I'm actually the youngest in my family I know right shocking but yeah. (It sucks btw)

8. Do I like anime? Of COURSE I DO ANIME IS LIFEEEEEEEE I'm a MAJOR otaku. But I am apart of other fandoms but anime is my main. Shes my main girl and thaings like Bts, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are my side chicks 😂😂😂.

9. Im actually an ambivert but im not good with meeting new people. I tend to be unaware of peoples emotions at times and im a blunt person but if I get to know you I'll be fine. But I have social anxiety so meating people online is easier for me. Just knowing that I'm not going to blurt anything ofensive out is like helping me get better at voicing my opinions.😊

10. I'm perfectly fine with bxb or gxg stories and do read them sometimes BUT I don't feel that its ok to just shove them in someone's face it gets hard at times when I want to read a fanfic thats like Izuku x Ochaco but the only thing I can find are Izuku x Katsuki. People need to realize that when you SHIP characters you ASSUMING that they are Gay, Bi or whatever we don't have proof so to be constantly trying to shove these lgbtq stories down other people throats Is NOT OK.

11. Who doesnt like food? Its Amazing

12. My favorite Colors are Cyan, Teal, light gray, Gray, White, And black. But my aesthetic colors are just cyan, light gray, and White.

13. I want to Learn Japanese
But currently I only know how to speak English next year im going to be learning Mandarin Chinese at school so yeah. 😊

I was tagged by Ringingbirch I tag the folowing people 😄
MysticFox2005mention a usermention a user
That's all Bye guys ✌✌✌ 😄
Signing out -TheCrystalDragonSlayer

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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