New Beginning

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Maria, 23 years, came from a middle family. She was a hardworking person and passed all her exams. She graduated in University and was really happy. Maria took a bus home to give her parents the good news. She arrived home only to find people standing there. She passed through them and wanted to see what is happening.
       She saw her aunt and uncle crying. She looked down only to find her two parents lying there covered."Nooooooo!" She shouted and went on her knees. Everybody turned to her."Maria!" Her aunt called her and she never replied. Tears were flowing down her eyes and after a few minutes, she fainted.
     Few hours later, she opened her eyes to find herself in the hospital. The nurse was there and Maria woke up from the bed scared."Mom! Dad!" She shouted and wanted to get up from the nurse but she stopped her."Leave me alone! I want to go to my parents!" The nurse called the doctor and both her aunt and uncle came.
       When Maria got out of the hospital, the funeral of her parents were made. After the ceremony was done, Maria directly went to her room and locked herself. She did not eat nor drink anything. Her aunt and uncle tried their best but they could not do anything. One day, her high school best friend came. She went to a different university and used to be in contact with Maria.
       She went to Maria's room and convinced her and that is when she opened the door. Her best friend gave her food and she could not eat it."Please eat it. You passed the university and am sure you will get a job to pay your parents debt." She nodded and started eating. Gradually, she started to overcome her shock of missing her parents.
      She always remembered them and she will always smile. One Sunday evening, Rihanna, her best friend came to her."I have some good news for you." Maria was confused."There is a new school which has been opened and they need a teacher. A teacher of Chemistry and Sports. And guess who knows all this?"
      Rihanna pointed at her."Noo, I can't do that." Her best friend asked,"Why not?" Maria asked the name of the school and her best friend answered,"Star Light high school." Maria shook her head and said,"no! That is the richest school in the town and only the rich study there." But Rihanna said,"it's not about money, it's about your knowledge and you know all that. Just give it a try."
       Maria nodded and decided to go on Monday for the interview. On Monday morning, she arrived earlier than everybody and she was scared. The servant found her and took her to the waiting room. Many people were there dressed professionally. She was the only one from the middle family with her normal clothes.
       She was scared and looked down. When her turn came, she slowly stood up with sweaty hands and knocked on the door."Come in!" She heard a voice and went in."Have a seat!" She sat down as she was instructed and the interview started. The principal never looked at her but kept asking her questions. To his surprise, the principal looked up as Maria always answered the question differently than the rest.
      "You said you were 23, right?" Maria nodded and the principal added,"I have never imagined in my life that a young girl like you will have this much knowledge. We needed teachers like you who will change the bad students and those who are stubborn. You are appointed." Maria was soo happy and thanked the principal.
      "You can start the work next week." She happily thanked the principal and got out. She arrived home and called her best friend. She answered the phone and asked,"so, what's the good news?" Maria started thanking her and said,"thank you! thank you soo much. I have got the job." Her best friend was soo happy."I told you, didn't I? You are perfect for everything."
    "Bytheway, I can't imagine you will be teaching those rich students Chemistry and Sports. But I know you, you can handle even the most stubborn students." Maria smiled not knowing her aunt and uncle were listening to their conversations. They went downstairs and her aunt said,"I told you this girl is clever. She can do everything to pay her parents debt."
      "Don't worry, we will do everything to remove her out of this house so that we can take it." Her husband added."We poisoned her parents in order to get this house little did we know that it was written in her name." Both the uncle and aunt were thinking of a way to remove Maria from the house. Her father borrowed money from people in order to rent the house and pay for his daughter's fees.
       The next week, she decided to go to school to start her first lesson. She looked at her schedule and saw she had a Chemistry class early in the morning and Sports in the mid afternoon. She entered the class and introduced herself."Good morning class, my name is Maria, your new Chemistry teacher." One by one, she started calling their names and then she called,"Daniel!" But there was no answer.
     She raised her head and called the name again but there was no answer."Daniel did not arrive yet." One student said. The lesson was about to start when a long, energetic boy entered without knocking. He was about to go forward when he was stopped."Where have you been?" Maria looked at him."Home?" He answered and Maria said,"first, you came to school late and second, you enter without knocking the door as if you own the class."
     "I..." Daniel wanted to say something but Maria stopped him,"I have not finished talking. You won't talk before your teacher finishes. And am giving you a last warning, let this be your first and last time to be late." The students were shocked and there were murmurs around."Silent! And you! Go and sit to your chair." Daniel angrily went to his sit and said,"what does she think of herself. With her glasses and nerdy look, trying to act strict."
      "I have made many teachers leave this school and you are nothing to me. And no teacher tried to complain about me or hit me and you will go out before you even do that because my father own this school and the class is mine as I can do everything I like." Maria kept teaching and the bell rang to indicate for another class. As Maria was going out, Daniel looked at her with anger in his eyes and smirked.

Maria does not know how her parents died but will she find out the truth? What will happen to her now that Daniel wanted to revenge? Stay tuned to find out what will happen to Maria.💖

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