School's Competition

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          Rihanna convinced Maria and they both went shopping. They went to a mall and so did Daniel and his friends. They arrived at the mall but they did not meet each other. They started checking clothes but Maria was not in the mood."These are all expensive. I can't buy them." Rihanna assured her that she does not have to worry."Until you choose something, that is when we will get out of here."
       They walked at a few distance and Rihanna saw Daniel and his friends. She told Maria that she will be back in a minute and went to the side where Daniel and his friends were. She heard their conversations."Guys, how is this dress?" Daniel asked his friends and they laughed. One of them answered,"why? Do you want to wear it?" They started laughing again.
       "Come on guys! I think it will look good on the person I will love. I mean everything in it is what I love. The colour, the short size and also look at it's sleeves. I think it will just be perfect." His friends pulled him and told him to stop dreaming."Many girls love you but you don't and you are dreaming of your non-existing girlfriend." They took him and they chose the clothes they will wear for the competition.
       Rihanna took the dress which Daniel has just chose. She took it to Maria and said,"here, I have got something for you." Maria looked at the dress and said,"are you crazy? How can I wear such a thing? First it's short and it's black and I don't think it will fit me." Rihanna pushed Maria to the fitting room and told her,"you won't know until you try. If you need help, just call me and don't waste time."
       Maria just shook her head and wore the dress. She did not imagine that it will fit her but it did."Have you finished yet? Am coming in!" Rihanna entered even before Maria said something."Woooww! I knew it! Yes! Mission successful. You are going with this." Maria was shocked and said,"hold on...there is no way am going to buy this one. Look at the price tag, it's too expensive."
        But in the end they both divided the money into half and bought the dress. Maria never liked that she had to wear the dress."Look now, how can I wear this dress to school? I will lose respect." Rihanna shook her head and promised her that everything will be fine."Me and my boyfriend will come with you." Rihanna said and her boyfriend agreed with her."Yes! We will come with you because we want to see you win."
      Maria smiled and accepted. The next morning, Maria wore the dress and together they entered the car of Rihanna's boyfriend."Am really feeling uncomfortable in this dress." Maria said and Rihanna hold her hand and said,"aren't you confident and strict? Then stay calm. Everything will be fine." They arrived at school and Rihanna's boyfriend exclaimed,"wow!It's such a beautiful school."
      Maria was about to enter when the guard stopped her."Hey! Why are you stopping her? She is a teacher in this school!" Rihanna shouted and Maria confronted her. She talked with the guard and showed her identity. The guard was shocked and let Maria pass."Because she changed herself, doesn't mean she changed her behaviour." Rihanna told the guard as she entered.
       Everybody was surprised. The students who were passing time stopped to look at Maria."Who is that beautiful girl? She has never been to our school." The students started murmuring and one of Daniel's friend saw her. He ran to Daniel and on arriving, he was really panting."What happened? Why are you panting as if you have been chased." His friend told him everything and Daniel was surprised."What? Are you kidding me? You mean the dress I chose?"
       Daniel ran to meet the girl and  there he saw her. Laughing and chatting with teachers."Woow! I think have got my dream girl. Words won't explain how beautiful she is." Daniel admired her and added,"before she goes, I will ask her for her number. She might be from another school. See, I told dad to choose teachers like them and not the nerdy one." Then it hit Daniel and he said,"bytheway, where is that nerdy? She always comes early."
      "Are you missing her now? Focus on that teacher or else another person will take her." His friend said as he pointed to the direction of Maria and a male teacher who was trying to get close to her."Am going to murder that teacher! Why does he have to be close to my girl." The other schools arrived and it was time for competition. Daniel never focused. His mind was just thinking about the girl and everytime he would lose.
          "As you can see, the Moon Academy wins the competition. That was students against students. Now let us see the competition between teachers." All the teachers lined up and the competition began. It was a dance competition as well as playing sports."Best of luck! I know you can do it!" Rihanna patted Maria on the shoulder and she confidently went. They started dancing and Daniel kept looking at her."Woow! She also dance beautifully. That is my type of girl."
         He happily hugged his friends and said,"I will make sure I take her number and make her mine. I will tell her about the dress." He sent his friend to go and buy him a gift and they accepted."Buy me roses and also find a beautiful charm bracelet. And also a cute teddy bear and a necklace." He continued to mention the gifts and his friends decided to bring it to him.
       They arrived with the gifts and it was time to announce the winner. The judges looked at the results and said,"if a teacher from a school wins, it will mean the school wins too. Among the students, the Moon Academy won but if a teacher from another school wins then that school will be declared the winner." The judge sat down to discuss with the other judges and Daniel said,"I know she will win and I will get to know her name."
         "And the winner of the dance and sports competition among the teachers......." Everybody was holding their breathe. Daniel was happily and eagerly holding his gift tightly waiting for the name to be pronounced.".....Maria!" Everybody clapped and Daniel's gifts dropped from his hands. He stood there like a statue and said,"no! It can't be! It's impossible!" He went to the judges and asked them if they pronounced the name properly. They showed him a paper and Daniel was more shocked.
      "Nooo! I don't believe it. It is not true!" His friends tried to control him but they could not. He directly went to Maria as she was about to leave with Rihanna and her boyfriend. He got hold of her hand and said,"how dare you lie to me? How dare you fool me?" Instead of Maria to answer, her best friend removed his hand from Maria's hand.
       She answered,"If you are reading a book, never look at the outside but inside. Because, if you look at the outside, then the cover might be changed but if you look on the inside, then it will always remain the same even if the covers were to be changed." Maria stopped Rihanna but she continued,"but how will you know if you have never liked to read a book."
       Maria shouted,"Rihanna! Enough! You don't have to tell him that. Am the one who has been teaching him and I know him not you. Let us go." Maria dragged Rihanna as she looked back. Rihanna saw Daniel looking down with regret and something changed within him. She smiled and said to herself,"good job Rihanna! You have hit the jackpot. See how Maria was angry? There is indeed something going on and I will make it happen by bringing them closer."

Maria promised to change Daniel and Rihanna promised to bring them closer. Will Daniel change? Will he fall in love with Maria or will he still hate her? Stay tuned and don't forget to drop a 💖 if you think you are enjoying the story 😊

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