Strict Teacher

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             Maria's phone rang and she was scared to pick it up."Who is that calling?" Daniel asked and Maria said it was Rihanna. Maria was about to answer when the door to the room opened. Daniel saw his father and hid the gun. His father saw Maria on the floor and asked her,"what happened to you? Why are you on the floor?" Maria said that she fell down and glared at Daniel.
      "Dad, did you need something?" Daniel asked his father and he answered,"ohh yes. I came to tell you that your childhood friend's father has called. I mean Ben's father has called." Daniel listened and said he will call Ben later. His father agreed and asked if Maria has finished."Yes I have. I am just packing." Daniel's father asked her to come with him and she agreed.
       She was happy. Atleast she had to get out of Daniel's clutches. She left with Mr.Thompson and Daniel never liked that."I could have finished her right here but she is lucky that she got away but not next time." Days passed and Maria had enough. She started acting more strict to all the students and mostly Daniel. Daniel saw the change in her and wondered.
         "How can she change so much in days? She is acting very strict. She was usually scared and innocent and now even if I scare her, she is not afraid." They went home together and Maria removed the books."You have to listen or else I will go and tell your father what you are upto." The proof which Daniel had was broken by Maria forcefully.
       "What has happened to you? First, you broke the only proof I had and now you are acting strange. I think you have been possessed."  Daniel said moving far away from her."Come back here! I have had enough of your jokes and fun." She went and pull Daniel by the ear."Ouch! That hurts. Let go of my ear." Maria dragged him and made him sit on the floor.
       "Am not sitting on the floor." Daniel said rubbing his ear."This is my house and you can't control me." He stood up and sat on the bed."Ouch! What have you put in my bed." Maria smiled and said,"that is why I made you sit on the floor because I have put a pin in the bed." Daniel angrily sat on the floor and Maria said,"now that is like a good boy." Daniel imitated her and wanted to smash her.
      The lessons were over and Maria went to her best friend's house. Her best friend was surprised."Hey! Welcome back. It's been a long time." Maria hugged her best friend and she said,"yh, it's been a long time. But now I promise I will always be with you." Rihanna happily hugged her tight and told her to go and freshen up as she puts food. She did and came downstairs.
         "You know what? Your aunt and uncle came here looking for you." Maria was shocked and was worried for her best friend."Don't worry, they did not do anything. You know how strict I am." Maria smiled and ate her food. Her phone produced the 'ding' sound and Maria knew she received a message. She removed her phone and was about to read the message when Rihanna snatched it from her.
         She read,"there is something wrong with you. I think you have been possessed by unknown ghost. So never come near me as you have actually scared me by acting strict with me and the class." Rihanna laughed and said,"wow! Finally someone has decided to be strict. That is what I was waiting for. Teach him a lesson." Rihanna answered the message and wrote,"I will never leave you alone until I make you a good person. Love you."
        Maria asked what she replied but Rihanna said nothing and deleted the message."Why did you delete the message?" Maria asked but Rihanna ignored her and went with her boyfriend. The next morning, Maria did her lessons and went to the car as usual. When she entered the car, she saw Daniel sitting at the back. That was the first time he sat at the back."What are you doing here?"
        "What am I doing where? This is my dad's car and I can sit where I want." Maria wanted to sit in the front but Daniel pulled her and told her she was wasting time. After a few minutes, Daniel asked,"do you love me?" Maria was surprised and confused."Why should I love you?" Daniel took his phone out and showed her. Maria remembered what happened that night and said,"it's my best friend who wrote that and you are mistaken."
      "Yes, give excuses as usual." Maria shook her head and the day passed as usual. That night, she received a call and she answered it."Hello," It was the principal's call and he informed her that there will be a meeting so she had to come early. Maria accepted and she arrived at school early than usual. The students and teachers were all called to the field and the meeting started.
         "I would like to thank all the teachers and students for coming here today. Today, there won't be any lessons and you will go home early." Many students were happy and the principal added."I also would like to thank Maria for her hardwork and many students changed because of her." Maria smiled and most of the students were happy except Daniel."The purpose of this meeting today is that tomorrow, there will be sports competition against other schools. Not only students will compete but also teachers."
         The students and teachers cheered and they were ready to win. Maria went home after the meeting since Daniel asked her. She arrived and Rihanna asked her,"today you came home early." Maria explained the situation and Rihanna grinned."Now that is where I will be the best best friend." Maria was confused and asked her what she meant.
       "Come on! There will be competition and not only students but also teachers will compete including you." Maria asked if that is not what she said and Rihanna added."That means you should change your wardrobe and your face. Just makeup and sexy clothes and you will be the most attracted teacher there." Maria refused but Rihanna insisted that they will go shopping that evening.

Will Maria change herself and how will she look like? What will happen to Daniel when he sees her? Stay tuned as there will be a change. 💗💗

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