Author's Note

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SO as you may or may not have noticed, I have taken down most of the chapters for this story. That is because I started writing this when I was 13 and was (complete and total) trash. I have rewritten this story 3 times because I pretty much wrote myself into a hole with no way out. 

HOWEVER, I think I'm onto something that's not shit and actually has direction. So if by any chance there is anyone left still interested in reading this story (bless you, omg) then hopefully I can reassure you that this story has not disappeared into the abyss that is unfinished writing projects.

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who did support the original story. You guys gave me life sometimes.

I can't promise when the new story will start going up (lord knows I'm not that organised) but it's getting there. 

All my love. 


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