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I decide to visit the Griffindoors today so i get up and go in their commen room i see the golden trio "hello my kittens" i plop down in between Ron and Hermione "hey aunt ally can we ask you something" i smile and look up to come face to face with a horrid beast a cat i look up to see Hermione holding the beast i stiffen "aunt ally is everything okay" i recognize that as Harry's voice but i still sit their frozen the cat opens its eyes and looks at me i put a hand over my mouth to stop from screaming the thing yawns and thats when i lost it "AHH GET IT AWAY" i jump on the other side of Ron and hold him "WHAT" the kids yell the cat jumps over to me and i scream agien and run around with the cat chasing me "AHH HELP ITS GOING TO KILL ME HARRY-RON HELP" the kids just laugh like how rude also i thought she didnt bring that beast this year oh well bigger problem- i run out just for the cat to follow me so do the kids i see sevvy up ahead "THANK MERLIN" i jump on his back and put my face into his neck "oh sevvy it was terrible it tried to eat me and-and" i point to the trio " they laughed at me" i pout Harry and Ron are laughing their asses off Hermione looks mad i wonder why "my cat would never hurt anyone that is simply childish to think so" she stickes her nose up and takes her cat and leaves everyone is quite not knowing what to say "she knows i'm a teacher with heavy influence and i will fail her right" i ask no one in particular my babies gasp with an "aunt Ally" and Sevvy with just a chuckle "what" i ask innocently "now there was something you boys wanted to ask me" they share a quick glance at each other "um never m i nd well talk to you later" i nod "alright loves i love you" they walk off with an " i love you too" i smile "alright Sevvy take me to my other babies" he nods and starts to walk but stops "which one" " my baby Draco of course" so still holding me we go out to find him when we find him i feel something diffrent about him i jump off Sevvy and go straight to him "i will talk to you later Severus" he looks taken back but nods with one last glance "whats wrong aunt Ally" his voice is horse his cloths are loose no normal smirk i dont feel his normal vibe that screams ASSHOLE i love him but he can be a cocky jerk and i think that will all the love in me "how was Christmas break" he mumbls a 'fine' i squint at him "come here" he stands by me and i take his hands and roll up his sleaves just as i thought there are bruises that are shaped like a hand print i put my hand on it and its a little bigger then my hand that means a woman's or a small hand man i put an arm around him " come on were going to my room"
I take him to my classroom and tell him to sit on my desk i grab a camera and take pictures of his arms "off with the shirt" he looks like he is about to argue but i give him a look" come on now i used to change your diapers and bathe you" he sighs and does as told
I see more bruises i take out my wand and do a simple spell on him that heals him "now love tell me who did this to you and your Ally will be happy to do the same" he looks to the side and frowns "mother" he said that bitch "but you cant do anything because she said" i shush him " aw love don't worry this will never happen agien i will take care of it" "-but she said you can't protect me when i go home" i grin and giggle "oh you thought you were going back oh no hunny bunch you will be staying with me or your dad but that hag will not be in your life" his eyes widen "really i can stay with you like forever like you would adopted me" now my eyes widen " i uh i dont know how Lucius would feel about it but i will fight for you if you want me to that is" he hugs me i feel his normally cocky attitude come back "of course i should only get the best mother" "awe, okay now go back to your room and i need to take a little trip somewhere" he smirks at me and leaves i sigh and head out but run into Ron and Harry "aunt ally can we ask you about this mirror that lets you see things" i nod "ah so you've seen it to" Harry nods exited but not Ron "i haven't" i smirk " then lets go check it out boys"
We go and see it " well Ron go look" "Wow it's me and i won" he goes on and on about what he sees i smile "it shows you what your inner desires it's a very dangerous thing" i nod "well what do you see" Harry askes i go up to the mirror "hm i see my family" i start to walk away "what do you mean aunt Ally" i stop and look over my shoulder "it means i see everyone i love you, all the Wesley's, Sevvy, my sister, Ect" " but then what do you desire" "family is all i ever wanted that is why i try my hardest to keep my loved ones safe and see the good in them family dosent mean blood by the way my family is way more them blood thats also why i show my love as often as i can" i smile " goodbye boys" i leave to find me a certain skunk haired looking witch with a smile on my face 'oh the poor darling doesn't know what she's in for'

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