Valentines Day Disaster

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It was Valentines Day once again in the Kalos region. This year, 2017 marks an important year for the region. Its the 125th anniversary of the friendship between Kalos and the United States of America, which houses its good friend the Unova region. Many couples from both countries would attend a special ball comererating that friendship. For Ash Ketchum, Valentines Day is the worst day of his life. Don't ask him why, but he will say so everytime you ask.

Ash found himself wandering the many parks of Lumious City, disgusted by the many couples who reside there.

Ash: Bah, look at them! Acting all lovey dovey in public! It's Disgraceful! Disgusting! And Despicable! Why the hell do they keep doing it?

Ash scowled at them. No one was paying him any attention. They were all looking at each other and smiling. One couple were two people from Unified Theater, a group that both people with and without disabilities cooperate together. Another couple was from Best Buddies which is an organization with the same goal. In both those cases, one was a boy with autism and another was a girl without autism. Ash was infuriated. They were all to familiar with him. Memories began coming back to him. Memories from his past.

Ash: Those couples, I've seen couples like them before. No, a couple. I know it all too well. This reminds me of James and Serena!

Serena was Ash's former girldfriend. They dated throughout their Kalos journey but Serena became attracted to James, an autistic young exchange student from the USA. They became so close that it made Ash jealous. Ash tried to put James in his place but Serena stopped that and they broke up. Following their graduation, James and Serena moved to the US, leaving Ash devastated.

Ash sighed as he remembered the last time He and James spoke to each other.

*Flashback begins*

It was a bright summers day, one week after graduation. Ash was sitting at a cafe table with a fellow classmate named Vicor near the apartment he rented out for the time being. He had finished ordering his food when he spotted a familiar figure.

Ash: What the? OH MY GOD! James! It's you! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see you!

James: Hmph! I can't say the same for myself.

Ash: What?

James: Don't play dumb Ash! You know what! Your jealousy problems that got out of control! You tried to destroy me last year today! I thought you were a decent person but you and the group you've been hanging around with only cause trouble!

Ash: That's not my fault! And it wasn't my brother Gary's fault when he got killed by a thug in a bar.

James: Well, what can I say? That's what happens to horrid people and Gary just so happened to be a horrid person!

Ash: HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!?!!?!?! I don't understand, I thought we were friends James!

James: We used to be, but you proved to be a heartless monster and I most understandably don't want anything to do with bad people! Good Day!


Vicor: Ignore him Ash. Don't waste your time arguing with him.

Ash: You don't understand Vicor, he was my friend!

Vicor: A friend would have your back regardless of your problems. He saw you had problems and instead of helping he cast you aside! That's no friend.

Ash: But I don't have any friends left!

Vicor: Maybe not friends but, you have us.

Ash: Its no use, I'm gonna fail regardless.

Vicor: Rubbish! I know your brother wouldn't want you to think like that!

*Flashback ends*

Ash: Man, I can't believe James disowned me the way he did! Why can't he see that I've changed since that incident! I wonder how Vicor is doing?

He bumps into someone.

Ash: Hey, why don't you watch where the hell  you're going?

Miette: I'm sorry I bump into you, I was--

Ash: You know what, Fuck you and the entire Valentines Day holiday! *Beats up Miette and destroys her package*

Ash: Ewww, whats all this junk?!?!?!?!

Miette: You- You Ruined them! All of my Chocolate covered strawberries are all destroyed!

Ash: Oh, Oh God! Miette, I-I'm so----.

Miette: How could you, you just assaulted me and ruined my Valentines Day! Just because you despise Valentines day doesn't mean that you have to ruin it for everyone else! *Sobs and rubs off*

Ash: Oh God! What have I done? (She's right. I did ruin her Valentines Day)

Ash: I will make this right! There is only one person that can help me! *Walks away*


Delia: Ash, How could you!!?!?!!??! I am very disappointing in you!

Ash: I know mom, I took out my anger on her and screwed up her gift and I need to make it right.

Delia: But how are you going to do that? You already ruined her chocolate strawberries!

Ash: I can't just do nothing! I gotta make this right no matter what, even if that means I have to make something else by scratch!

Delia:(Wow, Ash really is determined to make things right. I haven't seen that determination since he assaulted James all those years ago.)

Delia: All right then. I have several recipes for Valentines Day treats stored away for safekeeping. You can use one of these.

Ash: Thank you, mom! I will definetly make this right!

Delia:  I know. I'm proud of you, son! I really am!

Ash: Thanks, mom.

Ash soon set to work at once. The entire recipe made sure that Ash kept busy for a while. Eventually the valentines day cookies are done.

Ash: All right! Now to give the cookies to Miette! (I hope I'm not too late)

Ash soon arrived at the place of his scrape with Miette. He looked around and saw her sitting on a bench, alone and miserable.

Ash: Perfect! *Walks towards her* Excuse me?

Miette: What do you want? You ruined my valentines day already!

Ash: I know, and I want to make things right with you. I made these from scratch for you to give to your valentine.

Miette: Ash, you-you didn't have to do that!

Ash: It's my way of making things right.

Miette: Ash, thank you. But I can't accept them. My valentine already has a girlfriend. *Starts to sob*

Ash: Hey, don't cry. You're not the only one who's lost a Valentine.

Miette: *sniffs* Really?

Ash: Yeah, Serena dumped me after I assaulted an American exchange student named James Stavola. I was jealous and let my anger get the better of me.

Miette: What?!?!?! Why were you jealous?!?!?!?

Ash: Because James and Serena were becoming so close that I thought he was going to ruin my relationship with her. After that incident, they started to grow distant from me and after we graduated James returned to America and took Serena with him. He called me a monster and he said he most understandably doesn't want anything to do with bad people.

Miette: Oh Ash, I'm so sorry.

Ash: Thank you Miette, now would you be my Valentine?

Miette: Yes, I Will! *Kisses Ash*

At the dance Ash and Miette danced the night away. They got married and had two kids and lived happily ever after.

The End

Pokemon Life in Kalos Valentines DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now