Letter from Clancy

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Clancy, 018 07MOON 08

    I left Dema so that I could be free. Even though I'm miles away from Dema, it still has a strong hold on me because no matter where I go I will still be in the confines of its invisible walls. I decided to write this letter in hopes that you could, for once, see things the way I do. Ever since I've left Dema and started the Banditos; I have been plagued by fear that you will one day retreat your promises. Keons your words tell me to trust you but my nine years inside those walls have taught me otherwise. Your words have told me that if I keep up my side of our deal that I can stay safe and alive.

    I get our deal was that I give you your said amount of my Banditos for my safety. But Keons, I created the Banditos for those who seek out to leave the dreamless existence that you and the other Bishops have sentenced us all. The lifeless light that surrounds us every night; It's the feelings and thoughts of our false hopes you fed us every day. It's the darkest kind of light to ever exist, and I have become what I've dreaded most because of our deal. I have given the Banditos the false hope of safety, because I am the one who is sending them back to you, dema. The one place that I had promised their freedom from. 

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