tex mccormick

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----You were in science class currently working on a project that had to be due by this upcoming thursday, 2 days from now

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You were in science class currently working on a project that had to be due by this upcoming thursday, 2 days from now. You were working with another kid in your class who seemee to be quite to focused type of kid that wanted to get things over with, you wish you were working with your boyfriend, tex mccormick, on this project and not get stuck with someone boring...no offense..

Tex was the class clown of the classroom, you looked over and saw he was working with shalisa, a popular girl, you sigh as you look down at your paper and write more about what your project is able, you heard people yelling, one in particular.

"Tex stop thats not what i meant!-" shalisa told tex. You look up and saw he was about to light a match.

"Tex dont-"

Before she could finish he already put the match on the plant and he backs away, making his sneakers squeak against the cold floor.

" that went quick..ahhha"

He stands up and puts his hand out motioning to look at the plant

"Its goInG fast!" He says as he laughs to himself," this is going great."

Some people snicker as shalisa rolls her eyes and slumps down in her seat, you laugh as it caught tex's attention. He gives you a slight smile as he sits back on his seat.

"He's an idiot.." you heard your partner say

You say for only you and your partner to hear as you keep looking in tex's directing, smiling at how happy he was at that moment

❝ oh yah..well, he's my idiot..❞

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