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Kellen stood at the edge of the cliff, his mass of black hair wafting around his face, his impressive stance kept him from falling...but that wouldn't stop him. Kellen leeped from the cliff and started tumbling down and down towards the sea. A mass of blue and nothing but blue until you reach a certain depth, then it goes black. Kellen lifted his arms to the side of him then crossed them over his chest as he plumited streight into the water, a trail of bubbles being emmited as he sank at a considerable speed. Kellen kept driffting down and down hoping to reach the bottom of the emis of black water. Kellen never did reach the bottom, and so he stayed there. The light clothes he was wearing began to get heavyer as Kellen suddenly was hoisted at a considerable speed through the water towards the surface. Kellen didnt care. All he wanted to do was die. Kellen knew that was impossible.

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