Chapter 1.

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*May contain typo's*

Kerrens P.O.V

The last thing I could remember was waking up in an old jail cell, the stench was appaling, it smelled like blood, rotting fleash and I think feasys. I was sat against a wall with straw all around me. I had noticed around me it was dead quite unless someone shiffted in one of the cages. I saw hundreds of cages staked ontop of eachother each holding a diffrent person. I got up and walked over to the bars and started to shout "Hello!? Hello?! Hello?! Is there anybody there". I started to move through the large gaps in the cage but was suddenly snapped back against a wall causing a siren to go off. I looked around as everyone in the cages cowered away towards the back of them. What I heard next was something you didnt want to hear at all. I heard a creakng door open and the heals of a boot started clacking towards my direction. I struggled to stand back up as I heard the clacking noise get louder and louder . Once I had stood up I walked over to the front of the cage, only to see a middle aged man with a lang scar running across his neck standing infront of me "You the one making all the noise" he ruff voice crocked out, I nodded "Can you tell me where I am?" The man smirked and raised his wip "Unfortunatly sunny your in hell and as a bout now your life just went from good to very bad in a couple of seconds" With that he smached his whip across my body, lashing me at diffrent paces... Thats all I could remeber of the dreadful place I was in, until the police found us.

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