How You Wake Them

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Who's ready for endgame 😋😁

You never really had a  problem waking tony up. The problem was getting him to go to bed. He had trouble sleeping ever since loki had attacked New York.  But lately he had made an effort to not leave you alone in bed. He would lay with you until you fell asleep. But you told him you wouldn’t go to sleep until he did. But when he does sleep you allow him to sleep as you get up to shower. When you come back he is either still asleep or is half awake waiting for you. And the nights that he sleeps good he will join you I the shower. (but when that happens you usually don’t leave the room for the rest of the day)

Steve wakes up before you. Because he likes to workout early in the morning, leaving you in bed still asleep at the early hours of the day. But before he leaves he will give you a kiss so that you know he is leaving. He surprises you at times by instead of leaving to workout he scoots closer to you and lays his head on your shoulder as he pulls you closer to him. He then proceeds to place soft kisses along  your neck. You two will usually stay that way for as long as possible, but you usually get interrupted by fury or one of the other avengers.

Thor is never awake before you. He will sleep the day away if someone does not wake him. So to wake him you sit up and stand on your knees while you quietly grab a pillow. You then proceed to lift it into the air as you smack it down hard on his face. He doesn’t wake right away so you continue to hit him all over his body as he slowly starts to wake. Then you stop as he flutters his eye’s open and looks around confused the proceeds to ask what time it is. You only laugh at his question as you begin to hit him once more with the pillow. He then sits up and tries to grab you but you run off the bed causing him to groan as he chases around with his own pillow.

Clint isn’t easy to wake up. He usually doesn’t sleep well, he has bad dreams. And who could blame him. But to wake him up without frightening him can be troubling. So instead of shaking him awake, you lay on his shoulder and whisper in his ear. It takes him a bit to recognize that he’s no longer dreaming. But once he does, he starts to hold onto you and smile as he pulls you closer. He loves to hear your voice in the morning. He says you sound like an angel coming to wake him from his nightmares.

It doesn’t take long to wake pietro up. He is very hyper vigilant. So as he lays flat on his back shirtless you run your fingers up and down his chest. Making little designs while you lay your head on his shoulder. He wont open his eye’s for the first few minutes of you doing this. He likes to lay there and take in the feeling of your skin running along his. The only way that you know that he’s awake is that he will wrap his arm around your waist  and turn his head in your direction.

Even when waking loki up he plays tricks, but luckily you know him better. So in the morning you wake up first and make sure it’s not too early to wake him. So you walk over to his side of the bed. And carefully bend down and give him a kiss. Still nothing. So now you whisper something in his ear. Still nothing. And as your final attempt you rub your hand up and down his chest through the blanket.  And before you can process he grabs you by your waist and pulls you back over to your spot on the bed only this time he has his arms tightly around your waist. And well there’s no winning from there until someone knocks on the door.

To wake peter up in the morning you get off the bed and walk over to his side. You lean down and put both hands on the sides of his face as you lean down to kiss him. Since he is a lite sleeper he immediately retaliates and grabs ahold of you pulling you on top of him.(damn his reflexes) He then turns his body over and holds you to the side of him pulling you close against him as he rests his head on you shoulder as he leaves kisses on your neck and shoulder. And you just lay there till aunt may knocks at the door.

Vision was always up before you so he would always bring you closer to him. He never disturbed you, he just waited for you to wake up so he could properly give you a kiss. He may not completely understand people yet, but  he understood the basics of love. But the way you two usually fell asleep was watching movies. Mostly romance movies so he could better the relationship. you give him credit for trying. But sometimes you swear he’s sweeter in the morning than any other part of the day. That could just be because it’s really the only time we really get alone cause everyone that wakes up early stays to themselves and those who don’t are still asleep.

Stephen was always use to waking up early to get ready for work but now he’s gotten more use to sleeping now. Unfortunately at the cost of him now sleeping in he has nightmares mostly about the dark dimensions and all that. But aside from his hard nights it doesn’t take a lot to wake him. So in the morning you leave a few kisses on his cheek while softly grabbing onto his hand. He’s still insecure about his hand but he trusts you. He immediately gives your hand a light squeeze as he starts to groan as his body processes getting up and out of bed. (gotta love being a protector)

In the morning as messy as hair is in the morning you still manage to run your fingers through it. She loves it when you run your fingers through her hair, it could either put her to sleep or be a subtle wake up. As she slowly starts to open her eye’s she looks at you and cuddles into your chest, putting her head into the crook of your neck. As she hums to you peacefully. You both just lay there staring at each other as wanda hums and you run your fingers through her hair. you lay there until your peace is disturbed usually by one of the other avengers. But thank god for rainy days.

Surprisingly throughout the day natasha is not a very touchy person but at night and in the morning she is the exact opposite. She will get as close to you as possible. She loves to spoon you. So of course that makes her the big spoon and you the little. So your not entirely sure if she’s awake when she does this but she will starts to rub up and down your barley clothed body. She goes as far down as your thigh then makes her way back up to your chest. You then reach your for her hand and bring it up to your lips as you both lay there peacefully taking in each other.

No matter what bucky always sleeps on his back. He doesn’t move a whole lot in his sleep, and surprisingly you don’t either.  So to wake bucky up in the morning you sit on top of his torso. Cause going any lower than his torso would result in no being able to get out of bed all day. So you sit on his torso and rub your hands against his chest reaching all the way up to his neck and then coming all the way back to where your sat. and just before his eye’s fully open from your actions you places a few kisses along his neck. Not enough to leave a mark. Just enough till you know he’s fully awake.

No matter what you two always fall asleep in the same position. Wade spooning you with his hand up your shirt or his hand in your pants. Either way. So to wake wade in the morning  you press your ass further against wade and start to shake your ass against him. You then reach your arm back and try to find wades face. You know he’s awake when you feel his grip getting tighter and his hips start to move against your ass. And well that’s probably why you two don’t get out of bed until much later than you intended/ but who’s honestly going to complain. You certainly aren’t cause I mea it’s fucking wade wison.

With bruce it’s as cliché as it can get. You both wake up facing each other. You obviously wake up first. And just grab his hand and intertwine it with yours as you place soft kisses on it. You look at him and take in all of his features until he wakes up. You have to let him wake up on his own so he doesn’t go green.  So you wait for his eye’s to open as you continue to leave soft kisses on his hands until you eventually feel him grip back onto your hand. His eye’s now fixated on yours.

To wake scott up you make him food. Given your not one to wake up early but scott isn’t one that wakes at all until it’s the next day. You’ve tried everything to get him up but no matter how hard you try you can never keep up. So one day you tried something new. You woke up early and made him breakfast, put it on a tray and brought it upstairs for him. You stood next to his bedside with the tray in your hand. But still nothing so you placed it down and grabbed the cup of coffee made just the way he likes it. And placed it under his nose. And well it didn’t take long for him to jolt awake. You then placed the tray in his lap as he ate and you laid by his side.

To wake up sam you have to tickle him. Of course once he is up it’s not so good for you but hey at least he’s up and ready. And you won’t have to train in the morning. But yeah sam is very ticklish on his sides. He sleeps shirtless cause he gets over heated at night. So when you wake up, you run your finger up and down his side. As he starts to fidget under your touch you start to laugh which is ultimately what wakes him wake up. You continue to tickle even after he wakes up. He breaks out into laughter as he tries to climb free. Once off the bed he pulled you down so you were now laying flat on the bed.  He looked over you and proceeded to lean down and place a soft kiss on your lips. And as your hands came up to deepen the kiss his hands made there way to your sides as he attacked. He began to tickle you till you were on the verge of tears.

To wake rhodey up in the morning you have to be careful cause of his army tendencies. So if he woke up to quickly he would wake up fighting. So you had gently rub his cheek careful not to wake him to quickly. Over time he had finally stopped flinching when I first touched his cheek. So now I just stroked his cheek and he slowly woke up to the bright sun shinning in his eye’s. he still tries to go back to sleep but you don’t let him usually. But sometimes just to prove his point he drags you back down with him into the bed as the bed consumes you both. And you both just lie there till the bed is no longer comfortable. Or you both agree to take a shower weather by yourselves or together is a whole different idea.

T’challa was a morning person just like you. So it was always just a matter of who got up first. On the days that you get up first you would start messing with him. Like the one time you kept whispering things in his ear that you knew would get you in trouble. So he quickly woke up and you quickly jumped off the bed so you could be safely secure on the opposite side of the bed. He jumped off the bed and had his hands laid flat on the bed as he looked at you with the integrity to catch you and dominate you once again. He just kept calling out to you that he was going to get you and you just kept taunting him. You then took your shot and ran for it down the hall careful not to bump into everyone. T’challa eventually caught up with cause lucky you he was still the back panther with or without the suit. He then carried you back to the bedroom and laid down.

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