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    The sky was painted a pale pink that morning, and the sun hadn't yet risen high enough to be seen beyond the peaks of the hills. A blanket of dew covered the soft grass. It was her favorite time of day, the morning. When all was quiet but for the breeze rustling the leaves of nearby oaks. And she could taste the moisture in the air. She checked her watch. 6:21 AM. Nine more minutes. She should be on her way by now. She took a moment more, to take in the sweet morning air and the cotton candy sky.
    The woods harbored the same feel, the same dew coated ground, the same pinkish light, but it had a way about it that changed the effect entirely. Taking the light and turning it eerie as it filtered through the canopy overhead. The air against her exposed skin made her shiver as she trekked through the thick trees, marching on without distraction. She had a goal in mind. She was on top of the world and nothing could stop her.
    And seeing Tara's face only lifted her higher. Watching that sweet smile spread to her rosy, freckled cheeks caused a fluttering in her heart. She broke into a run, crushing twigs and fallen needles under her sneakers as she flew into Tara's open arms. Her smell hit her like a wave. Cinnamon, vanilla, home. She'd missed that smell. She had missed everything about Tara, her smile, her eyes, the way she felt when Tara held her close. Eight months had been too long. She buried her head in Tara's shoulder, in the fleecy fabric of her jacket. She felt Tara's hair brush against her neck as she turned her head. She spoke, but her voice was muffled. She didn't want to let her go, imagining that if she did Tara would leave again. For longer this time, leaving her here alone to miss her with all her heart.
She wondered how long the walk had been. She'd suggested a halfway point between her house and the airport but Tara insisted that the forest where they used to sneak off to late at night to spend time together was a far more romantic place for a reunion. It was creepy at night, but Tara had always coaxed the fear away. She crashed their lips together, desperate now. Desperate to make up for the eight months Tara's job had stolen from them. The eight months of kisses, movie nights, board games, and laughter. She could feel Tara smiling, and finally, everything was perfect once again.

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