Chapter 1 New Girl

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Rylee:First day,new boys new friends!!!

Vitoria:Hay,watch the master of friends!!!

Taylor:(Stairs at Thomas)Pretty!!!😍


Taylor:Sorry,he's just so cute!!!

Rylee:Excuse me,he's mine tough!!!

Taylor:Not for long!(Whispers)




Rylee:Hay Thomas!!!

Victoria:Ry,class know!!!

Rylee:Bye Thomas!!!

Thomas:Wait,Ry I wanted to know if you wanted to meat up! Maybe after soccer practice!!!

Rylee:Sure!!! I would love that!!!

Thomas:See you then!!!


Taylor:Hay Thomas!!!

Thomas:Hay...have we met!?!?

Taylor:no,but you could meet me after practice!!!

Rylee:To late he's taking me!!! Right Thomy Womy!!!

Thomas:Yah! Go away Faylor,or what ever your name is!!!

Rylee:Thomas,thank you!!!

Thomas:Anytime!(Skip class)


(Thomas looks in my eyes,and finds out he's kissing me.)

Thomas:I'm so sorry I-

Rylee:I loved it just like I love you!!!

Taylor:What are you doing kissing her!!! When theirs me!!!

Thomas:I don't love you!!! I- I love Rylee!!!


Thomas:Oh,really!!! (Grabs me and kisses me. I put my hands though his hair to show off.)

Taylor:Ugg... (leaves)

~~~My house~~~

Rylee:Come in!!!

Thomas:Rylee I-

(Grabs his hand on her waist,and kisses him.)

Rylee:(Catch breath) I love you!!!

Thomas:(Catch berth)I love you to!!!

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