Chapter 8 The trap

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Victoria:There's old T!!!

Rylee:What about them?(Pointing at Taylor and Danica.)

Thomas:V get a bat and a tape cuter.

Victoria:Both of y'all run!!!(Cuts the rope and tape.)

~~~Rylee's house~~~

Rylee:Thanks,for every thing back their!!!

Thomas:What did I do?!?!

Rylee:That plan!!! If it wasn't for you both of us could have been dead meat!!!

Thomas:It was nothing...really!!!

Rylee:Thomas I-(kisses Thomas.)

Thomas:I love you to,and don't worry about Taylor and Danica

(Victoria barges in)

Victoria:And don't you dare hurt Rylee, because I'm not joking when I say I'll hurt you if you do!!!

Taylor:Ok,so I just have to let Thomas and Rylee break up!!!

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