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She pulled away, looking at me with a smile. 

'what was that for? ' she blushes well asked. 

'Um.. Let's get back to the math'that kiss wasn't suppose to happen I'm not gay,  that's wrong,  my mom would hate me if she knew that I kissed her,  but for some reason I really wanted more. 

'hey, let's talk about the kiss's she says sounding anyoed 

'okay so I got the first answer it's 3689' I try to avoid talking about the kiss. 

'stop, I don't care about the dam answer!  I want to know why you are ashamed of the dam kiss for some dam resone, you know what 6our just so dam confusions,  I like u,  I thought u liked me too,  the way you kept on starring at me in class and being all nervous around me and sticking up for me and that kiss, it's fine to be gay you know,  you don't need to be ashamed because I like you too,  I know you like me' she snaps. 

'407 is for the second question, now if you just help we only have 18 more to go'I avoid her more hoping she won't snap anymore and just take the hint that it was a mistake and I just want to get the math done so I can go home.

'oh my Fucking god,  I don't give a FUCK about the stupid dumb math,  stop avoiding me, ...'she starts to cry. 

'or maybe that's the resone you don't like me so your avoiding me '

'for god sake I'm not Fucking avoiding you I just want to get the Fucking math done I can't Rick's getting a 0 now are you gonna help or not? ' I snap back. 

'fine, whatever,  I guess I was wrong u don't like me back,  that kiss was a mistake, right? '

'yeah it was a big mistake that's never gonna happen again got it! ' I snap,  than I grab the assignment and get up. 

'I'll just finished it at the cafe on my own'than I take off.

Alex's point of view... 

I watched her storm off,  than began to cry,  I really thought she liked me back,  why did she stare at me in class and why the fuck did she kiss me, she kissed me,  I like her. 

Tears were going down my cheeks like a water fall.  I didn't want her to leave I liked it when she was with me. 

I get up and take off to go for a walk to clear my head. 

Than some gay dude bumps into me knocking my purse on the ground,  he picks it up and gives it to me.

' I'm so sorry,  but are you okay,  it looks like you've been crying? '

'I have, there this girl I like but Im Letty sure she's just ashamed to be with a girl, I knew she liked me I had a feeling and she stares ate in math class and she kissed me today,  but she said it was a huge mistake that would never happen again'

'she's probably scared or confused of to why she like you, aye she doesn't know herself yet,  or maybe she is just ashamed to be with a girl,  maybe her parents rise her like that, but you shouldn't give up on her,  you should help her find out herself and to show her how it isn't wrong,  or maybe she's just in the closet but to scared to step out of it,  and you could be the one to help her'

' I..i never thought of it like that,  thanks so much,  I think I'm acttullay gonna take your advice,  thanks,  and I'm Alex'

'nice to meet you Alex I'm Daniel,  hey wanna switch numbers so we can keep in contact you seem like a cool person? '

'yeah sure and thanks you seem like a cool person too, K what is it'

'905 4688984'

' thanks I'll text you later so you can have mine,  I'm gonna go to the cafe to talk to Isabella'

'you go girl you got it go talk to Isabella '.

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