Curiosity killed the cat

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Third person's POV

It was another boring night for Taehyung and Jungkook. Watching the latest of their mafia members as they went through their journey to enter. Though this was not normal. No, he was trying to enter Bangtan. As of right now, there are only six of them, but he would be the seventh. Jungkook sat in a tree high above the branches as not to be seen by anyone coming by, Taehyung in another tree off a bit of way.

" perhaps they had gone too far." Jungkook looking down at his older friend, they had grown up together, yes, but when Jungkook suggested that Jimin join. He did not think they would take the initiation this far. Alcohol, drugs, beating, Drowning and then left him in the middle of the park. He was afraid he was watching his friend die, but he did not want to amid it. He knew it was more of a test for him then a test for Jimin, a sound like that of an Angel singing filled his ears.

His head snapped to the direction, of a girl with light brown hair and doe-like eyes. She was wearing glasses and was walking down The wooded area of the park. Almost as if she was in a day, the music she was singing, Could even catch himself in a daze. They then stared at her as she's walking by singing." You are my PENICILLIN, you saved me. My angel, my world." For some reason to him, it was as if those words she was singing were true to him, just the little bit of the song from her and he felt all the pain wash away from him. How curious it was? " I am your calico cat, here to meet you. Love me now, touch me now."

He smirked at her taking his attention off of his friend and turning it to her instead. " just let me love you." She sang without a care in the world. " just let me love you." A smile formed on his face as he leaned a bit closer towards her direction watching as she swayed to the music she was singing. As if no one in the world was around to hear her, though as she sang, it seemed to Jungkook that the two of them, were the only ones in the universe." Ever since the universe was first formed. Everything has been planned. Just let me love you." For some reason, her voice made him happy. He shook his head trying to get out of her spell before it was too late. She was about to stumble upon Jimin.

Taehyung's POV

Taehyung sat staring at his friend Jungkook watching the worry coat his face. He looked down at the new recruit. He was close to Tae's age. Though Tae didn't know him, he was great friends with Jungkook. So when Jungkook told him how amazing Jimin was. He instantly became friends with jimin. So to see his new friend like this now terrified him. Had they gone too far? Was all of this really needed to make sure he was worthy of entering? Tae didn't even have it this hard of initiation progress. But now Namjoon feared that adding another member into Bangtan instead of just BTS would be dangerous. Especially if the members of BTS realize that Bangtan did not get initiation progress only BTS members did.

They had to play it safe,  jimin just so happened to be who they had to play safe with. He turned his attention back to Jungkook for a moment as his face contorted into that of confusion. Jungkook 's entire being was no longer focus on his close friend. But somewhere else, past the trees, a face of awe replace his face of worry. Taehyung turns to look where he was looking to see a girl with light brown hair and doe-like eyes. Large glasses that filled her entire face walking through the park, her entire visage like she was living in that of euphoria. Of course, Jungkook would be lost by a girl, but he never really tended to get lost during missions over a girl. Could he not just let it wait till the morning?

Taking a long look closer at the girl before her voice begins to hit his ears. " I am your calico cat, here to meet you. Love me now, touch me now." He froze instantly, a chill running down his spine as if she was right behind him sitting on the tree with him. He shook his head trying to break the spell." Just let me love you." He let out a silent cough, nothing like this has ever happened to the assassin before. But with just a few words it was as if the ice he cast around his lonely heart had melted. A spell like trance falling over him." Just let me love you ever since the universe has the first form.

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