Who I like better?

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WingsofFireisHere asks: Who do you like better, Enderlox, Skybrine, or WitherMU? :D


Honestly, I absolutely love all of them! I think they're all amazingly cool, for instance:

Skybrine: He's the freaking son of HEROBRINE, LIKE OH MY !#@$

WitherMU: He can fly, bomb things, transfrom into other forms, and he just looks like a BADASS.

Enderlox: Look if you had enderdragon wings, tail, and purple slitted eyes wouldn't you think your awesome as !@#$

*technical difficulties*

So yeah.

Anyways, I think if I had to pick I'd pick Enderlox...

I don't know, I find him to have a darker personality than the others and I'm apparently attracted to that stuff :P

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