Idk ©️

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Things run inside this head of mine.
But I would just smile and say that I'm fine.
When its really the opposite of all those signs.

I was happy and my smiles are pure.
But sadness came and now I'm not really sure.
Maybe they came back and these are the lure.

I feel so sad and even mentally exhausted.
They're slowly coming back those demons I hated.
I thought they're gone because I onced validated.

Sadness just kept eating out those smiles.
Hoping the happiness was not just a while.
But I was wrong for it is there hiding behind my files.

No, my lover isn't the caused.
Its just those problems that kept getting reused.
I myself should be accused.

For I brought this to myself.
This sadness that I've been hiding on those shelves.
The sadness I kept when the clock falls to twelves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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