Chapter Eighteen PART 2

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*** SORRY about the weird spacing, I'm not sure why it's doing that***

-Chapter Eighteen- PART 2

Kendal's POV

As I opened the door, it creaked nosily giving off a very eerie feeling. Maybe this is a bad idea. But I guess it’s too late to change my mind now.

                      My heart was beating wildly and my fingers were shaking. I don’t why I was so afraid; I mean what’s the worst that could happen? And with that thought I opened the door completely and was greeted with darkness.

                      I searched frantically on the side of the wall for a light switch. I flicked it on and froze where I was standing. My mouth opened and closed repeatedly as I was lost for words. I walked slowly into the room as I closed the door behind me.

                      The person’s hair hung in their face as they shook their head side to side. “I just want to be alone. Go away, please.” They mumbled through their hands.  They were seated on a ratty looking bed rocking back and forth.

                      I stood directly in front of them and slowly bent down. I cleared my throat and balled my fists. “S-Samantha?” I questioned. It had to be her; she was the only person I’ve ever known with that golden looking of hair.  

                      The girl peered up at me cautiously. She gave me a thorough once over before she pushed her hair back and sat up straighter. “Yeah?” Her voice cracked which made her flame red.

                      I wasn’t sure what to do. I hated this girl, like, really, really hated her. And I was positive she equally hated me. But she was crying. And by the way her eyeliner and mascara ran down her face, I was pretty sure her pain was more than her not getting the latest purse by Gucci or whatever.

                      I cleared my throat once again I shook off all my hatred towards this bitch. Well okay most of my hatred.


                      “So, uh, Samantha, long times no see- right?” I forced a bitter smile and held my breath. I was about ready to fall and convulse on the floor with how badly my wolf wanted to rip herself out and take a bite out of Samantha. Now was not the time though, maybe later… Definitely later.

                      “Don’t talk to me, you… You… You…” She couldn’t finish that thought because she fell forward onto her knees in tears. “I’m a horrible person!” She whimpered. “Nobody loves me!”

You May Be the Alpha's Son, But I'm the Beta's DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon