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My nose scrunched in annoyance when the alarm went off noisily. I buried my head under the blanket and rolled left and right to dissipate its presence.

I should just turn it off, I know. But I have to be a little dramatic in the morning. 

All these years and my habits remained unchanged. 

I got out of the blanket and glared at the hell-bell ringing non-stop. I slammed my palm on it and sighed in relief when the shrilly noise was cut short.

I stared at my white ceiling for a couple of minutes. I should have gotten it painted. I had no idea why I left it bland. It looked boring at times to ogle at. 

"Get up, Zoe. You don't want to be late for Harper's class." I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to face another day of my twenty-one years long life. My face scrunched up once again when my eyes landed on the bird-nest on top of my head. 

Aka, my auburn hair. 

They were seriously untamed in every way. They annoyed me so much every morning that I was compelled to leave them as it is. But I didn't want to be a laughing stock at the campus so, I dedicated fifteen minutes to their care against my will. 

I loved my doe-eyes the most throughout my appearance. I was not bad looking. I just didn't feel pretty enough if I took my parents into account. But I was pretty contented.

Everything was survivable.

"I should just chop them short" I muttered after undoing the last knot. "And mom will chop me to pieces later. Damn! I can't have it easy.

I performed the daily rituals, took a satisfactory shower, and ran downstairs after getting dressed. No extra hassle and trouble needed due to the courtesy of my blessed skin. 

The generosity of my mother's genetics. 

I lived alone in a two-bedroom house. My parents insisted on having it instead of living in a dorm room or renting a small apartment. A caretaker came twice a week for cleaning. I seriously never understood my parents at times.

Why would I need a place bigger than my needs?

I left my bag on the counter-top and turned on the stove to make a cup of coffee. I threw two slices in toast-maker and sat on the stool. I surfed through my phone while my breakfast was getting ready.

There was nothing special in my feed. Just the usual drama of students with their ever so dramatic life.

I never understood how they managed to fit everything among piles of assignments, tests, and quizzes. It was admirable but only to look at. I could only deal with one thing.


I got up and served myself toasty warm toasts with yummy peanut butter and a cup of steaming hot coffee. I ate in complete silence.

I enjoyed it. These peaceful meals all by myself.

I washed the dishes once I was done and headed out for another hectic studious day.


"You can do this, Zoe." I cheered myself. "You have been doing it for past years and you can do it for one more year." I was failing miserably. "And a quarter. I don't want to go." I slumped on the wheel in misery. "But mom and dad will kill me. Why God? Why are you so cruel to me?"

It was my choice and my dream to study Journalism. I had to fight a massive battle with dad. He wanted me to follow in his steps and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. But medicine was out of my league. I was not a dull student but I didn't have the stomach to stomach all that. 

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