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The worst period of my life apart from exams was laundry time. I hated it. These were my clothes and undergarments but what could I do about my sloth-ass.

I am a clean freak but when it comes down to washing, my enzymes work at a pace slower than a snail. 

Mom suggested dry cleaner upon my constant whining but I would rather die. It's too intimate for me. 

I was down to the second round when my phone pinged. I placed the basket of my freshly washed clothes on the counter and grabbed my phone to see the message. 

Skype in two minutes.

I rolled my eyes at mom's antics. She loved to make it sound all business when she just wanted to gossip. I left everything and ran upstairs to my room. If I was a minute late, she was going to flood my phone. I grabbed my laptop from the table and jumped on the bed. Mom called me exactly thirty seconds later.

"You said two minutes. I still had" I glanced at my wristwatch, "twenty seconds left."

"Hi sweetie!" mom waved at me enthusiastically. "How are you? How is life? How are studies? Did something interesting happen? Tell me everything about your week."

Mom was too bubbly to be my mom.

This was her phenomenal idea when I came to New York. To Skype call every weekend and exchange data. I was against this agreement but now I found it fun. It looked like we were trading national secrets. 

Just imagine. 

"I'm good. Studies are fine and except for my hair annoying me, nothing miraculous is happening in life." Mom pouted. "Stop making that face."

"Your life is annoying." She chided. "You are in college but all we receive are praises about you. No complaints or warnings and you are still single. What is this, Zoe?" Her mouth turned down in disapproval. "Get a boyfriend. Have fun, be naughty and tell me everything about it." 

Ladies and gentlemen, this my mother, Rebecca Bradshaw. 

She is a famous art consultant and highly professional. But her worst side came out when she was with me. 

"Don't lead her on, Rebecca" Dad joined the picture. "I don't need any trouble on you." Dad zoomed in on the camera. "Not until I approve of him."

"Stop it, Shawn." Mom reprimanded him. "She is not a baby anymore. She is twenty-one. She can make her decisions."

"Which I don't trust." Dad pointed out.

"Can you stop?" I whined. Parents! "I don't want a boyfriend, okay? I am not looking for a relationship. It's-"

"Why, honey?" Mom interrupted me. "Is everything okay with you?" God! "What is she saying, Shawn? She doesn't want to fall in love."

"Mom!" I groaned. "I don't want a relationship right now." Dad just shook his head. "Look! There are piles of clothes that need my attention."

"I told you to give them in dry cleaners." Mom frowned at me. "At least listen to us in some matters."

"She is too stubborn," Dad muttered under his breath.

"All thanks to your genes," I said defensively. "And please don't say again why couldn't I inherit your intelligence. I am pretty intelligent already."

"Too much intelligent," Mom added. "That's why you are unable to fall in love. See!" Mom turned to dad. "I told you to keep those brain games away from her."

"Not again" I groaned again. "I seriously don't want to have this conversation. Stop or I will disconnect the call."

"Fine!" Mom gave up. "Are you going to the party this year?" I shook my head in negative. "Why, Zoe? Why are you so hell-bent on being so bland?"

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