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Hi lovelies..

Am pleased to announced that this story has been published on the Okadabooks app for FREE

The published version contains a few changes, an epilogue and it has been thoroughly edited

Please support me by going to check it out, giving me a review and rating the story. It will mean a lot to me.

You can either download the OKAdabooks APP, enter story title (Her birthright) or authors name (favour pearly) into search bar and download story for offline reading.

Or you can follow this link to read;

Link is also available on my profile.

Thank you lovelies.

P.S; I won't be taking this story down from wattpad (at least not yet) so enjoy


The professional version of this story that is thoroughly edited and contains an epilogue(which is not in the wattpad version) is now available on SOFANOVEL.

As such I have been asked to take down some parts of this story.
To continue reading, download the sofanovel app and enter story title(Her birthright) into search bar and start reading

Or follow this link;

Link is also available on my profile.

Her BirthrightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang