~Chapter 2~

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By now, you had grown used to Damien's changing names and pronouns. Sometimes he was Celine, and other times, like today, he was Damien. You didn't seem to be bothered by it too much, and neither did your friends. It was another day at school, now at the library during your second half of lunch. You, as usual, had your nose in a book you picked off the shelves. This book was fiction, yet again. It peeked your interest enough for you to continue reading past the first chapter. The story so far was of an angel and demon, both of which are not supposed to work together, but do. Their main objective; look over the anti-Christ. You were reading quietly until you heard footsteps coming your way. You folded the corner of the page and closed the book, looking around. 

Another boy from the school ended up walking through the aisle of books, confused. 
"Can I help you?"
He looked somewhat similar to Damien, which really confused you, but his hair was dyed a hot pink, and he wore suspenders. He grinned, walking over.
"I'm trying to find this book for my brother.. something about uhhh... something about a woodcutter..." 
You slowly get up, skimming through the books. "In a cabin? With his sister?"
"Yes! That one!"
You nod and pick it up, handing it to him. "Hope he likes it."

The boy raises an eyebrow, scanning you. "How come I've never seen you before..?" 
You honestly were surprised. No one ever really cared enough about you to ask you for help, or anything, really. Mainly friends, but no one else. It slowly grew on you that you hadn't seen his face either. Maybe he was new? You wouldn't know. 
"Oh uhh.. not sure."
He nodded and held out his hand. "Name's William."
You looked up at him in absolute shock and slowly shook his hand. "Uhh.. (y/n).." 

"Thanks again for the help." he leaves with the book. 
You watch him leave before getting up, grabbing your books at the sound of the bell ringing for the end of lunch. Your mind was boggled at the fact that this random kid actually talked to you. You've never seen him, nor had he seen you. When you met up with Damien, you didn't say anything about it. Maybe the whole situation didn't mean anything. 

The rest of your day went as normal as it should. Sitting in English with screaming kids who seem to only want to fight, play games on their phones, or Juuling while the teacher desperately tried teaching the class. Then your last class which always ends up being pretty quiet and boring to you since you got through the things faster than the others. Except, today, something different happened. Unlike all the normal days where'd you just go through your last class and then suffer waiting for your parents to pick you up long after the last bell, there was a fire alarm. And no, not the normal practice fire alarm kind of alarm, because then your teacher would've been prepared. This one had to be real. So, you managed to grab your things, since you weren't going to risk losing your things in a stupid fire most likely started by a cigarette in a trash can. 

The alarm's annoying sounds blared in your ears as you walked out, down the hall outside. Of course, everyone thought it might've been a practice fire drill. You stood in the one singular line your class stood in, glancing around. You noticed Damien not too far, texting on a phone, looking almost troubled. You managed to go through the crowd of chatting students to walk over to Damien. 
"You alright?"
He looked up at you and put his phone away. "Stupid sibling is going to be the last one out that building if he doesn't hurry up." You looked down at the doors, trying to look at the many students. "What do they look like?"
"Red hair, blue skirt..."
You squinted your eyes, looking through the crowd. "Think I see them.."
Damien nods and crosses his arms, waiting for the short student to run over. 

They looked, again, very similar to Damien, yet red hair, glasses, and wearing what you can assume is one of the Japanese school-girl outfits. You noticed that they had a hint of something hidden in their eyes, almost like they knew something... like they did something.. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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