Chapter 6

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If you are one of the 5 people who were quick enough to read chapter 5 before I edited it, go back and read the part I added, otherwise this chapter will not make sense.

Danielle's POV:

I bring Johnson back to my house to clean up because I know Jack is at theirs and I don't want there to be another fight. We sit on the sofa and I connect my phone to my speaker and play Two Of Us by Louis Tomlinson.

'How're you feeling' I ask Johnson.
'I'm fine, my nose is just a little painful. Anyway, I should be asking you that. That must have been scary for you seeing as you only got together last night.'
'I mean, yeah, it was horrible but I am so mad that he punched you! You two are best friends, you shouldn't have physical fights, that's not how a friendship works'
'I don't know what I would have done without you there if i'm honest, I couldn't have drove home by myself.' He says.
'None of that would have happened if I wasn't there. Jack wouldn't have called Madison all of the names under the sun. You wouldn't have a bloody nose. Why did I even go on the date last night? I know I can never hold onto a relationship, so why do I even try!?' Tears start to roll down my cheeks.
'Stop blaming yourself for this. Any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you! I'm not gonna lie, if G didn't see you first in McDonalds, I would have come over and got your number.'
'You don't have to lie to make me feel better. I'm not worth anybody's attention.'
'Danielle, trust me, i'm not lying' His voice goes soft and he leans towards me and kisses me. I pull away as quick as I can, pretending it didn't happen.
'Johnson, we can't do this. Jack has been through enough' I say.
'I won't tell if you don't' he winks. He kisses me again but this time I don't pull away.

Extremely short chapter today because:
1. more drama is happening in chapter 7
2. i am really tired and want to go to sleep.

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