Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

February 4th

The next day, Tasha couldn't wait for her sister and the baby to get home. Every time she thought she heard a car pull up, she would race to the lounge room window to see who the possible car belonged to.

Every time Tasha found that her judgement was wrong, and there never really was car pulling up when she thought there was.

But, after another half an hour, Tasha was sure that she heard a car.

She didn't even bother looking out the window.

She just raced out onto the driveway.

"Oh, it's you," said Tasha when she realised that it was Adam's car she had just heard.

Adam looked at his girlfriend, clearly wondering why she wasn't happy that he was here.

"Hello to you too," he said.

"Sorry, Adam," replied Tasha as she gave her boyfriend a hug, "I am just nervous and excited for Catania to come home."

Babies on the brain.

Tasha wondered how long they were going to stay there for.

"I can tell," said Adam, "when should she get here?"

Tasha looked at the time, "soon," she replied, "I hope."

Tasha and Adam were disturbed from their talking when they heard a car coming, and Tasha smiled.

This time it was Amy.

Adam also smiled when he saw the baby.

"She's cute," he said, "I can see why you love her."

"Now you know why I am so excited," replied Tasha.

Mr Wilson then parked the car and everyone headed inside. Amy was looking a little overwhelmed, but that was to be expected right now. And when everyone was inside, Amy put the baby in the crib and she looked at her little sister, "is there something you wanted?" she asked.

"Yes, actually," Tasha said as she put her hand in the crib and ran it over Catania's cheek. She loved doing this and she could tell that Catania loved it as well because she smiled, especially when she was falling asleep.

"What is it?" asked Amy.

"Adam and I are going over to Isabella's house to meet the pony and I want to take Catania."

Amy groaned.

Tasha put on her sad eyes.

"Tash," said Amy, "I don't think that is a very good idea. She is only a day and a bit old."

"It is only a ten-minute walk, and I will take good care of her. She won't leave my sight. I promise," replied Tasha.

Amy groaned and she ran her hand through her blonde hair, "and hour," she said, "that's it."

"Great. She will be fine, Amy. You have nothing to worry about."

"I hope so."

With that, Tasha then picked up Catania from her crib and put her in her pram that Amy and Mr Wilson had got. She was so happy that Amy let her take Catania and she promised that she would look after the baby, she would. She would take extra good care of the baby, and she wondered why Amy was so protective over her daughter. Maybe it was just because she was a new mother and she had just got out of hospital.

That had to be it, Tasha decided.

Adam looked at Tasha with a questioning glance, "she said yes?"

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