Chapter one- The New Beginning

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Chapter one- The New Beginning

Hailey's POV

"I have some sad news to share with you, Miss. Thornton." Dr. Mason spoke in a sympathetic tone, crouching by my level. "I'm so sorry, but both of your parents had passed away."

Passed away? As in death? Both of my parents are dead?

"What happened?" I said quietly, my voice barely sound like a whisper.

I was sitting on a cheap chair in the hallway at hospital. I just got out a bad car crash, as far you could tell, I'm the only one that survived the crash with just nine stitches on the back of my left arm and four stitches on my hairline. My parents are dead and I got away with thirteen stitches. Wonderful, right? 

"I'm so sorry, we tried everything. Your mother already had passed away when we found her and your father had passed away on the way to here due to too much blood loss. One of the major blood vessels in your father's brain had ripped apart and we tried to stop the bleeding, but we were too late. I'm so sorry, Miss. Thornton." Dr. Mason sighed, pushing his glasses up with his index finger.

I looked down, saying completely nothing. I still couldn't believe both of my parents are dead. Dead.

"This is clearly a terrible shock for you." Dr. Mason said, rubbing my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "But you will be fine, Miss. Thornton."

I will be fine? For the God's sake, my parents are dead and I got nobody to take care of me and I'll be fine?! I'll probably be send to orphanage, the living hell where all the parent-less children goes.

I remained silent. I can feel Dr. Mason getting worried.

"Miss. Thornton? Didn't you hear what I had said? Are you all right, Miss. Thornton? Miss. Thornton?"

Why does he keep calling me 'Miss. Thornton'? I prefer to be called Hailey. And my parents were alive in about an hour ago, and now, they are dead? Why does it have to happen to me? Why me?

I looked up, straight to Dr. Mason's green eyes.

Everything went black.


"Stop it, Greg!" My mom laughed, hitting my dad's arm playfully. "Don't forget we have a minor sitting behind us!"

My dad is driving my mom and me to "fun surprise" to celebrate his and my mother's 17 years anniversary of marriage. It was eight in the night and it's dark outside.

"Maria," My dad said, smiling in amusement, "you had Hailey when you're sixteen and our baby is seventeen now, therefore, she is old enough to know what we are talking about."

My mom gave my dad a perplexed look, "What are you talking about? I had Hailey when I'm twenty-one."

My dad gasped dramatically, "Oh? So you're thirty-eight now? My bad, I thought you was thirty-three. I only go for younger women."

My mom rolled her eyes, "Exaggerating should be a crime because it makes me feel less loved by you. I'm thinking about filling a divorce."

"It's not my fault, Maria." My dad grinned. "Exaggerating is contagious. Have some patience, it would go away. And, I'm suspicious of you, because this love I'm feeling is unrequited."

"That is the reason I'm filling a divorce. Thank you, Captain Obvious, for pointing it out." My mom said sarcastically.

"You're welcome, Lieutenant Sarcasm."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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