Presenting; "Doll Like Lies"

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Darkness. A gentle breeze blows past you causing your hair to flutter delicately amongst its surroundings. Faintly you can hear the sound of a harp being strummed gently, a feeling of calm rushes upon you overwhelming your senses. You feel both limp, and extremely heavy along with the sense of a hollowed inside. Almost as if you're allowing the harpist's soft tune carry through you delving deep within you, slowly enticing for your body to awaken from its slumber.
As the harpist continues to play their tune, you notice that the notes slowly begin to form a more louder and developed sound. It's pitch continues to flow into you, it's low warm notes that fill you with complacence, while it's higher pitched notes fill you with a well being acceptance of bliss. Eventually, after a while of playing, your body awakens. A low groan emits from your mouth as light fills your eyes, your body stiffens and contorts as you stretch your limbs with a light, heartfelt pleasance. You shift your weight onto your feet as you take a stand, examining your surroundings you find that you're in a room.
It's a quaint room decorated with paintings of landscapes from various regions, a chair clearly made for lounging on is sitting in the corner, accompanied by a side table adorned with a vase with various roses. The dark oak walls make for a nice ambience along with the decor. Spinning around once more you see a girl. She is sitting in utter silence except for what she had produced on her instrument, her eyes are closed almost as if she is deep in thought or lost in a memory. Her hair held a aureate hue, glistening with the sun's showers of light. Her radiance had shined the most out of her music, even if it had been beautiful, part of you believed that she had been even more radiant than that.
You took another look around the room, something felt off one of the landscapes seemed too real for it to be a painting. Walking over to the wall it hung on cautiously you noticed that it grew longer towards the ground with each step you took towards it. The painting itself began to change and shift into what looks like to be a hill on a sunny day with a lonesome tree sitting upon the top of the hill. You look back to see the girl, but she's disappeared. Yet the music continues to play, but from another direction. Absentmindedly you took a few more steps in the direction the the painting, only to find yourself fall through what seems to be a window.
Landing on what appears to be grass, you look around to see a picture frame floating in mid air. Though this time the painting is the room you just came from, you look around at the clear surroundings of the hill and the warm envelopment of the sun. Music pouring out from the painting fills the air with the sounds of the harp. Turning to the tree, you see the girl again, instead of sitting by the harp, she's leaning against the tree surrounded by a vast amount of wild flowers. Small flowers are strewn about in her aurerate locks, as her crystal like eyes scan over you.
She has a smaller stature almost as if she had been a doll. Small, delicate features adorned her body, small shoulders, small arms, thin waist. She couldn't be above at least 5 foot. Forcing your eyes away from her, you notice that the harp is nowhere in sight looking to her in concern 'Wh-" She cuts you off with a swift flick of her finger.
Opening her mouth she began to speak "The harp? It's fine, still inside. Though the music isn't coming from the harp anymore. The music that I've created had resigned deep within you, since you don't have a song of your own, I'll share mine with you."Her voice seemed fragile, as if she would break down at any given moment. As you take note of what she's wearing you begin to find yourself questioning it, why is one sleeve longer than the other? Her white dress drapes over her loosely, the sleeve on her right ends at her elbow, while the sleeve on the left ends just before the beginning of her fingers. "These?" She motions to her sleeves "These are simply a personal choice in my appearance, nothing to worry about," She sends a soft smile your way, almost as if she's trying to hide something.
The sound of grass being pressed down by weight had drawn you out of your thoughts, she stepped closer to you. Apprehension had swelled with a contagious amount of melancholy within her crystal like oculi staring into yours. Another step had came your way as the song filling the air begins to change, this time your pride and bliss slowly transforms into a sinking feeling of woe and misery due to your new found inoculation of the music. Lower notes are found dragging on and luring out the deprived feeling of an anguished empty being. Though, like a fire being fed by the oxygen, a flickering sensation of confusion and thoughtfulness dwells deeper inside.
Deeper inside, no, not your stomach even if that's where the feelings seem to have taken root, deeper inside of your being as in another level of existence. A warmth envelopes your hands, shaking your head snapping out from the moment of reflection you look at the source. It's her, the doll like girl.
"What are you doing?" You question her, her eyes have yet to cease with her condemning look "The music that dwells within you, not only reflects your feelings, but mine as well. Yet, if I feel happy then what are you feeling?" Ever so slowly your jaw slowly goes agape, hanging in the air as you wonder what she means "Perhaps, you were feeling sad this entire time, but no one took the effort into learning what might have been bothering you."
The smile on her face slowly faded and morphed into a pained grimace tears began to build up in the corners of her eyes and began to threaten to overflow and spill out like knocked over inkwells on a blank page. Her small body shook as she visibly held back sobs, the music halted itself, the wind stopped blowing, the flowers in her hair wilted as the sun's radiance finally diminished into moon light. The land shifted, from a beautiful thriving land into a twisted and clearly sun bleached desert. Her attire began to fall apart, the right sleeve had hallen off due to loose stitching unveiling a sight for all to see. Faint scars had illuminated her entire arm, along with what seems to be new swiftly bleeding incisions scattered amongst the faded and fallen scars. Stuttering and shaking, her body pressed itself against yours burrowing into you as a type of defence she whimpered softly, almost completely inaudible,
"May my song lead you well, and may it play forever deep within you. I pray that you find your song someday soon, and I pray that our songs may entwine and forever mix. Until then, I bare you farewell my friend. Goodbye." Her body slowly crumbled cracks now visible to the naked eye, chip by chip, piece by falling piece, her doll like body collapsed onto itself as her song played loudly resuming its place before you left the room through the painting's barrier. The only difference, your once hollow being, feels slightly fulfilled now that the song has resigned within you. Your surroundings slowly transformed, fading in and out until finally, all you could see once more was darkness. This time, you didn't feel so lonely as you delved deeper within the seemingly endless ravine of depravity. Ever so softly you could still hear the harpist's song beating, dwelling deep within you as you passed into another long, deep sleep.


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