Presenting "Star Like Tears"

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Slowly the song continues to drift through the air and encases your body with its light hearted tune. The wind picks up around you, causing your hair to sway more rapidly. Crawling to your feet, you grunt as the pain lingers within your lower back, The darkness was still surrounding you, unable to tell if your eyes were open or if they were closed, you brought your hands up to them and gently rubbed your fingers against your half opened lids. A sense of confusion washed over you as you pulled away your hands having deemed your eyes to be open.
Taking a few steps ahead on the unmarked territory, the sounds of the flute begin to sound louder. Following the sound of where the flute is, you discovered that you were actually under a clear night sky. Stars sparkled amongst the black canvas behind it, painting a portrait of absolute calmness. Dancing across the pitch black sky, the flute seemed to call out to you more, drawing you closer to the heart of its territory. As you continue with your walking, you come to see a city, bustling with light and noise as you neared, the flute had still reigned louder than all the sounds of the bustling city now surrounding you. A brisk wind blew past your form as you walked along the sidewalks in search of the flutist.
Shadow like forms took on the appearance of humans, they were creating the noise of the night life, seeing a few smiles etched onto their shadowy figures you teetered on despite the air of uncertainty they produced. Forcing your mind elsewhere you wondered to yourself how would you ever manage to find the flutist? Sure, following the sound of it will lead you to them, but what if they were to stop, or what if they only lead you to the general area of the flutist? Slowly, panic crept over your figure, peered into your mind and found itself wound up within your thoughts, plaguing all it deemed fit. Your feet picked up its pace, wanting to hurry up and find the flutist before the panic crept any further within your mind.
As you neared a corner, a smell of coffee and other delicacies wafted into your nose tempting you to turn in and rest upon one of the leather chairs, a nice, warm cup of coffee resting in your hands as the band played their light hearted music. As you stood in your place, gazing inside the small coffee shop, you heard another instrument play. A strong and steady beat bounced along the air waves, confusion coursed through your veins, pushing the last few strings of panic at bay. Staring through the window further, leaning your forehead against the glass, the percussionist continued his steady beat. A soft yet determined feeling bounced off of his drums. Your gaze landed upon his face, absorbing his features you noticed how skilled he was with keeping tempo with the other players. Gazing into his darkened eyes, you noticed a hint of lonesome sorrow dwelling in the further reaches of his hazel optics. Without warning, you saw the same eyes glance over to your form.

This further confused you, why wasn't he a shadow just like his companions? Needing answers, you stepped inside the shop, The band stopped as they gazed at you, surprised by this, the drummer looked upon you, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he set aside his sticks and walked up to you. A simple wave was sent his way as he now stood in front of you "Hey." "Hello" He gazed into your eyes rather fondly despite his outward appearance of a more over emotionless.
"I saw you leaning on the window, you had a really stupid look on your face, everything good?" A chuckle escaped your lips at his question, nodding your head slightly. "Yes, everything is fine, though I do have a question, do you know of a flutist here in the city?" he visibly tensed as his eyes averted themselves to the floor between the both of his and your feet.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he looked back up to you returning his gaze back into his eyes "Yeah, I know her, is there something you need from her? I could take you there if you'd like." A moment of realization flashed throughout your body, a swift nod of your head answered his question as you then opened your mouth, shooting off words rapid fire.
"I'm sorry for asking but did something happen between you two? You seem to be visibly shaken by my asking of the flutist. I understand that I am asking a more personal question within our first meeting, but I cannot avoid my curiosity."
He gave you a slight shrug of his shoulders, "She and I used to date, when way back when, she dumped me.. I had felt so lost, I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt as if I had lost a part of me that day, and I only grew worse. I'll bring you to her, but I hope you don't mind if I stand off to the side while you visit her. It hurts thinking back to that time, thinking back to when I had felt like I actually had a place within the world." Pausing before you answered him, you took in this new information. You tilted your head down lightly, you couldn't wrap your head around what he had meant by half of this.
Did he mean that she physically gave him a place here? Or rather, did he just mean that as a metaphor for feeling good? Your thoughts pondered on, clouding your mind, your heart rate increased as you leaned forwards slightly, bringing your hands up to your temples trying to soothe the newly forming headache. You didn't even notice the tears dripping down your face, or the heat rising up to your cheeks. You looked up to him, a look of pure hunger and desperation danced in your orbs like wildfire feasting upon the wood of a tree.

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