Chapter 2

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There are storm clouds rolling in over the mountains. Allen stands out on the deck for a while and watches his beloved city. Rain starts to fall lightly over the Vail. After Getting soaked thoroughly, Allen walks back inside and dry off with a towel. Allen changes into his snow pants and grabs his snow jacket and boots. By the time Allen finishes with changing and walking downstairs, it is storming. Allen tells Sarah to load up the helicopter and he will roll the helicopter into the cramped space of the hanger. Sarah goes upstairs and slips on her snow gear and walks over to the hanger. Allen is already making space for the Bell 525 relentless in the hanger. All of their languages is parking in the small cargo compartment and everything is good to go. Allen is worried that this storm is going to be a long one. Allen sits down in the cockpit of the Bell 525 and grabs his MacBook and looks at the forecast. There is a little gap between 2:25 pm and 3:05 pm. It is 1:57 pm and Allen is hoping that the gap will be able to stop the heavy slush so they can fly up and avoid the storm and be on their way. Allen is predicting that the storm will be going on for days and will get in the way of taking off. If the rain mellows down, Allen can take a risk and take off in a small drizzle. It is best if there is no rain for a smooth lift off. 

It is 2:19 and the rain is slowing and mellowing down and Allan unfolds the rotors of the helicopter and starts up the engines and pulls the Bell 525 to the helicopter on to the helipad. Then Allen starts the rotors and the start spinning slowly the faster. Allen runs back to the Hanger and grabs a med kit and grabs a walkie talkie and calls Sarah to come to the helipad. Sarah comes running to the hanger takes the med kit from Allen and bends over and runs to the co-pilot's seat and puts on the headphones and buckles up. Allen closes the hanger door and sprints to the driver side of the Bell 525 and settles down and then buckles up. He places the headphones on his head and starts the safety tests and rudders of the helicopter. After the tests, Allen slowly pushes the throttle forward and maneuver the helicopter to the center of the helipad. Allen takes one look at his house and lifts the helicopter up off the snow-covered ground and speeds away to NEWARK, New Jersey.

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