take a chance (don't let me go) / jolly

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it's been a while since i posted anything up here and due to many people liking my jolly fics, i've decided to post another one. this is a fic that i've had for a long time and i forgot about it until last night and i decided i'll try to work around it and make it a bit better. 

hope you all like it xx

-lower case intended- 

jaymi didn't like going out. he liked staying in his room, listening to music or reading or something - anything but going out and socializing. he barely even left his room, only leaving when it was needed, so basically for food, school and when his parents made him, claiming he 'can't stay inside all day' which he proved to them that yes, he actually can. 

it was at the start of his one-week suspension from school that it happened. he left his room well into afternoon, just in his boxers and singing the Lion King theme song (it may or may not be stuck in his head since he watched it the previous night), his eyes fixed on the screen of his phone. the suspension was stupid,, really, he only stole a clock from his class and play Frisbee with it and he got suspended - just a week before their holidays as well. but honestly, jaymi wasn't bothered. it only meant more free time. he just got in the living room when he heard laughter and he looked up, seeing his younger boy aaron sitting on their sofa with a guy jaymi has never seen before but, damn, he wished he had. he could see his biceps from across the room and if he squinted a bit he could just make out that he had dimples as well and. damn. 

''why are you at home?'' jaymi asked his brother, looking back at his phone because if he kept looking at the new guy he might just have to do something stupid like talk to him and make an idiot out of himself. ''don't you have school?''

aaron laughed. ''it's 4pm, jay.''  jaymi glanced at the time on his phone and shrugged, strolling towards the kitchen. ''mum said you have to drive, by the way.'' 

''drive where?'' he opened the fridge and got a bottle of water, trying really hard not to look at the new guy. 

aaron turned to look at him, his eyebrows raised. ''the cottage? we're going there for the weekend, remember?''

''right, i remember.'' he didn't. aaron rolled his eyes at him, kicking his legs on the coffee table. 

''this is oliver, by the way.'' he said and well, it would be rude if jaymi didn't look at him now. ''he's coming with us.'' oliver smiled almost shyly and waved and up this close, jaymi could see he had blue eyes. damn. 

''well.'' jaymi pushed himself from he fridge. ''i'm going back to my room.'' 

''do you ever get out?'' aaron groaned. 

''I'm here, aren't i?'' jaymi grinned. he turned and winked at oliver just to watch him blush. ''i have lots of fun in my room, though.'' 

fast forward five days and jaymi is in his car with aaron in the passenger seat and oliver behind him.  the drive from their house to the cottage is nearly three hours long and they've only just started driving and jaymi is already bored. he can feel oliver looking at him and it's really hard not to look back so he tired to focus on aaron asking him about why he got suspended. 

''i played frisbee.'' jaymi muttered, eyes flicking to the review mirror and looking at oliver for just a split second before he looked at the road again. 

''you played frisbee?'' aaron frowned, twisting his body to look at jaymi. jaymi nodded. 

''yeah. with clocks.'' he grinned at aaron and bit his lip when he heard oliver laugh from behind him. it was the first time he heard him laugh and god damn if it wasn't the best sound he had ever heard. 

just another hour before they got to the cottage aaron started talking again. now, aaron knew jaymi was gay, honestly, everyone who knew him knew that he wasn't straight - everyone besides their mum. she was the only person jaymi was afraid to tell. aaron, on the other hand, was always trying to get him to tell her. 

''when are you coming out?'' aaron whined, trying to change the radio station once again, only getting slapped. 

''don't touch my radio.'' jaymi hissed. ''and never.''

''c'mon.'' aaron sighed. ''why not?'' 

jaymi rolled his eyes. ''you know why not.''

''she has no problem with olly being gay.'' aaron shrugged. jaymi's eyebrows raised and looked at the mirror. 

''you're gay?'' he asked, biting his lip once again when oliver blushed. he shrugged and nodded. ''hang on, why does mum know that?''

''he's like a son to her.'' aaron laughed. jaymi frowned. 

''well, why have i only met him last week?''

''because you never come out of your room.''

''well.'' jaymi raised his brow, the corner of his lips tugging in a smirk. ''if you'd say there's a hot guy in my house, then i'd come out.'' 

''no.'' aaron groaned, ''if you start flirting i am jumping out of this car.'' 

jaymi laughed and winked at a still blushing oliver. ''can't do that, bro, the doors locked.'' he smirked. ''so, oliver.''


jaymi grinned. ''i prefer oliver, babe.'' aaron groaned again and oliver laughed. ''i don't know if aaron told you, but there's only three rooms so one of us will have to share. and i'm not saying anything her but aaron snores.'' he winked again and watched as a blush rose on oliver's cheeks before he turned to the street again. aaron was banging his head against the window. 

''please stop.''

jaymi just patted aaron's head. ''just one more hour, baby bro.'' 


''that was painful.'' aaron groaned as he all but fell out of the car before jaymi even turned it off. oliver, still blushing got out of the car next and jaymi laughed as he followed them. they went in the cottage they owned, aaron's and jaymi's mother already sitting in the kitchen and aaron went to join her as jaymi and oliver took their suitcases upstairs. jaymi took the biggest room, the one he usually has and just as he sat on the bed, oliver walked in, his arms wrapped tight around himself and a blush still high and red on his cheeks. jaymi smiled at him. 

''you gonna stay here?'' he asked, softer this time. oliver hovered by the doorway and nodded shyly, teeth worrying his bottom lip. jaymi stood up and slowly walked over to him, leaning around him to close the door. ''you don't have a boyfriend, do you? i don't really want some guy to beat me up.''he asked. oliver chuckled and shook his head, his fingers tightening around his arm. jaymi stepped closer, their bodies almost touching and reached up, brushing the hair that fell on oliver's eyes away from his face. ''well.'' he said, his voice so soft it could almost be a whisper. ''then, would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?''

oliver blushed even a deeper shade of red and nodded, looking up at jaymi from behind his eyelashes. ''i'd like that.''

a smile spread over jaymi's face and he brushed his knuckles over oliver's cheek. he leaned down and stopped just before their lips could touch. ''can i?''

oliver smirked. ''i don't usually kiss before the first date but i guess i could make an exception.'' he muttered. jaymi laughed, a breathless laugh that showed that he was nervous no matter what he said. he licked his lips and slowly leaned down, closing the gap between their lips. 

jaymi didn't like going out. he liked staying in his room but he knew that as much as he hated socializing, he would spend much more time outside now, as long as oliver was with him. 

so. it didn't finish exactly as i wanted but i guess i could always make a part two if anyone wants. 


love you xxx

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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take a chance (don't let me go) / jollyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora