Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
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The remainder of the evening passed without further incident or mention of Jennie. That didn't stop Jisoo from thinking about the brunette pretty much constantly, though. She hadn't been so intrigued by another person in years. Her oldest and best friend - the girl who had braided her hair at innumerable sleepovers and had been there when her teenage heart had been broken by Eric Seiberg not asking her to the Spring Fling - was getting married in just over twelve hours and all Jisoo could think about was a chance encounter with a beautiful stranger.

Unable to truly relax, and knowing she had a big day ahead of her, Jisoo snuck away from the party just after Soojoo had excused herself.

The lobby was much quieter than might have been expected for 11.30pm on a Friday night and she found herself riding up in the elevator alone. When the doors opened, she got out and turned in what she thought was the direction of her room. It was only when she looked at the number on one of the doors in passing that she realised that she was on the wrong floor. For some reason - possibly because she hated elevators and they clearly hated her back - she had ended up on the twenty-first floor, while her room was on the nineteenth.

She glanced around, looking for a sign for the stairwell. One wasn't immediately apparent, so she continued down the hallway towards the second bank of elevators that she knew to be located at the opposite end of the building. The carpet was so deep and her feet were so tired that she kicked off her shoes. Being barefoot in a cocktail dress, her shoes dangling from her fingertips, reminded her of being seventeen and sneaking into her parents' house after curfew, so she wasn't surprised to hear her name being hissed, as it had been so many times by her father, who had always waited up for her and had never told her mother how late she had been. But it couldn't be her father for two reasons: one, he was at home in Los Angeles; and, two, the voice was definitely not male.

She stopped, turned around and immediately felt the grin spreading across her face. Strolling towards her, a beer bottle in her left hand, was Jennie Kim. She was wearing black jeans and a shimmering silver-grey camisole top, over which was hanging a tight black fitted shirt, partially unbuttoned. She looked even more incredible than she had earlier.

"So, we meet again," the brunette drawled.

Jisoo just shrugged in agreement, knowing that she was starting to blush.

"Sneaking out or sneaking in?" Jennie came to a halt about a foot in front of her and took a swig from her beer. She turned her head to one side and looked Jisoo up and down slowly. It was definitely an appraising look. It made Jisoo's blush deepen.

"L-lost," she stuttered, finding it difficult to speak properly. She cleared her throat in embarrassment. "I, um, got off on the wrong floor," she added.

"So you're not just hovering near my room, waiting to be rescued again?" the brunette joked. She pointed to the end room, the one with the double doors. It was clearly a suite and the thought of being inside the brunette's suite was curiously appealling.

If Jisoo was going to continue being honest with herself, she might as well admit that the thought wasn't really curious at all. She knew exactly why she found the thought of being alone with Jennie in her suite tremendously appealling. She liked the girl. She liked her in a want-to-get-to-know-her better kind of way. She liked her in a draw-lovehearts-with-their-initials-in-them kind of way. She liked her in the sort of way that made her want to throw caution to the wind and test all her theories about possibly being more than a little bit gay. But she wasn't that sort of brave, at least not in strange hallways in the middle of the night.

"Not this time. Just lost."

"Ahh." She extended her hand. "Jennie Kim, by the way."

"Jisoo, Jisoo Kim." She accepted the proffered hand all too gladly, relishing the chance to test whether the jolt she had felt at their previous contact had been some sort of fluke. As she held back a shiver of excitement, she surmised that her first instinct had not been wrong: there was something special there. She released their hold after what she hoped had not been an unusual length of time.

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