Chapter 2-Quality Time With The Plastics

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After school, Virgil met the Plastics at the front of the school like they had planned. They all piled into Roman's red Mustang, and went to the mall.

"So, Virgil, do you like musicals?" Roman asked.

"Depends which one..." he mumbled.



"Hamilton??" Patton asked hopefully.

"Meh. That one's okay. Could be better."

The Plastics gasped.

"What? All I'm saying is is that after a while, it gets boring! Now, Dear Evan Hansen-that shit never gets boring."

"Now we're talking!" Roman smiled.

Logan rolled his eyes as Roman put on Sincerely me. "Don't you think we've heard enough of this song?" he said.

This time, Virgil, Roman, and Patton gasped.

"You can never have enough of this song!" Roman exclaimed.

Patton giggled and Virgil nodded in agreement.

Logan sighed as Roman pulled into the parking lot of the mall. They got out of the car and Roman pocketed his phone, wallet, and keys.

"Do you have anything pink in your closet?" he asked.

Virgil shook his head.

"Can we pick out at least one outfit for you? Pleeeeease?" Patton pleaded.

He smiled a bit. "Alright."


Roman led them into the mall. White marble floors stretched out under their feet and eccentric shops labeled by neon signs surrounded them. The food court was to their right, and loud noises engulfed them as they walked deeper into the teenage heaven.

AKA, Virgil's worst nightmare.

The noise was too much and the lights too bright, the seemingly large space too crowded and his new "friends" too handsome and popular.

He started breathing heavily, but Logan, Roman, and Patton didn't seem to notice. They continued walking, and Virgil had no choice but to follow.

Roman led them to his personal favorite store, Forever 21.

"Alright, Virgil. First, we need some everyday clothes," he said, smiling a bit to himself. "Logan, Patton, go find this boy some shirts. I'm gonna help him with hoodies and other things."

Logan and Patton nodded and went off to find Virgil shirts, and Roman and Virgil were left alone.

This made Virgil's anxiety attack even worse.

He started sweating a bit and looking around frantically for an exit. He formed a plan and forced his expression to one of indifference.

"Alright. You're the boss. Where should we start?"

"Hoodies." Roman looked Virgil up and down, probably contemplating which colors would suit him best or, more likely, how he could make such an ugly person look decent.

Virgil hoped it was the first option, but it probably wasn't.

"Alright, let's go!" Roman finally said, turning around and maneuvering through the racks of clothes. He led Virgil to a rack full of hoodies and picked up a black one with purple sleeves. The outside of the hood was black, but the inside was a soft purple fabric that matched the sleeves.

"How about this one?"

"It's awesome."

Roman smiled a bit. "I know. I have good taste in fashion."

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