Chapter 9~I'm a Failure

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Virgil's eyes widened in terror. "Oh my god... fuck fuck fuck..." He ran off to find Roman.

Roman was standing at his locker, staring down at the pamphlet with a mix of embarrassment, anger, and horror on his face. He blinked away tears and threw the paper in his locker. He stormed off in the opposite direction, not noticing Virgil standing there.

Virgil walked up to Roman's locker and saw that a piece of lined paper had dropped onto the floor. He picked it up and saw that it had originally been stapled to something else. He turned it over and read what was written on it.

"Dear Roman,

Good luck getting your reputation back :)

-Derril, Anatol, and Virgil"

His heart sank. He hadn't written this. He didn't even know Derril had done this. All he helped with was the pamphlet, which wasn't much better, but still.... It was something.

The bell rang, and Virgil walked to class, crumbling the paper in his hands.

When he got there, he saw Derril was sitting at his usual desk. Virgil stormed over and handed him the paper. "What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me!?"

Derril smirked. "I thought you'd be proud of me. After all, it seemed like you were so eager to ruin his life."

He growled and slammed his fist down on Derril's desk. "No! I was not eager to do this! I didn't want to do any of this! But do you know why I did it? Because I was scared of you. Because I thought you would hurt me. But you know what? This ended up hurting more than anything you could ever do. So I don't care anymore. I don't care what you do to me. But I'm done helping you."

Derril chuckled. "That's fine. I don't need any more of your help."

"Good," he sneered and sat down. He put his headphones on and kept himself busy by doing homework that he hadn't finished last night. He ignored Derril as best he could, and managed to forget he was there until the bell rang.

At lunch, Virgil was at his locker when a voice spoke up from behind him.

"So. You betrayed us."

Virgil spun, eyes wide. Roman was leaning against a locker about ten feet away from Virgi. The hand that was holding his locker open dropped to his side, and he let the door close. "Roman-I-I'm so sorry-"

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, sure. You're sorry. Of course you are. I bet you sounded sorry when you told Derril and Anatol all our secrets."

Virgil clamped his mouth shut, and Romans glare darkened. "I trusted you. I told you everything." He advanced on him. "Face it, you used us. You saw the confidence. The power."

"Roman, I-"

"Was I just a game to you? Some tool to become popular? I truly cared. Was I the fool?"

Logan and Patton turned the corner and spotted what was going on. Patton walked up and put a hand on Roman's shoulder.

He turned to face them. "I'm fine. I'm fine."

They nodded and backed away, but didn't leave just in case something went wrong and they had to intervene.

Roman turned his glare back to Virgil. "It's all fine for you, isn't it. It's fine to act. To play around. Oh, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."

Virgil's bottom lip started to tremble. "Roman, I-I really didn't mean to-"


Logan stepped forward as Virgil burst into tears. "Roman... I think he gets your point... Maybe we should leave him alone...."

Roman had tears in his eyes and he wiped them away. He let Logan and Patton lead him away from Virgi, more tears falling as they walked.

Once they were gone, Virgil started to sob loudly. He turned and leaned against the lockers, letting himself slide down until he was sitting with his legs spread out in front of him. He put his face in his hands. He shouldn't have done that. He should've stood up to Derril. He should've done something, anything other than what he did. But he didn't. He just wanted to cut. Cut himself until he bled to death. He didn't deserve to live. He ruined the lives of everyone he came across, he made everything difficult, he hurt the people he loved. He was just a bundle of bad luck.

He lost his friends and his boyfriend. His mom hated him. Everyone he knew hated him. 'Face it, no one would care if you died,' he told himself. 'No one would be sad. No one would repent. No one would give a fuck. You're worthless. Stupid. You're a backstabber. An idiot.'

Someone sat next to him, snapping him out of his self deprecating trance. It was Logan.

His gaze darkened and he sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "Are you here to tell me how much I fucked up, too?"

Logan shook his head. "No, I'm not here to tell you that. It seems as if you already know that well enough. I'm here to ask why."

Virgil stared at him. "Wait... you're not... you don't hate me...?"

"Oh, I am pretty mad. But I'm giving you the chance to explain yourself, because there may be something here that we're not seeing."

"Well... Derril convinced me you guys hated me... that you didn't actually care... that you were being friends with me just to show how 'nice' you are... and he threatened me... so I had to do it... and I really wish I hadn't, because now I hurt the only people who have been nice to me since I came here..."

Logan thought for a moment. "So you didn't do this on your own accord?"

He shook his head. "No. Derril forced me to."

"That sounds like him."

Virgil sighed. "Yeah."

"Well, I suggest you try explaining yourself to Roman and Patton. They're really mad at you, and honestly, I'm still a bit disappointed, but not as mad as they are. It's not my job to clean up your mess. I can help, but I'm not explaining your side of the story. That's your job." He stood and wiped his hands on the side of his pants. He looked at his watch. "Maybe do that tomorrow though, because the bell-" The bell rang. "-is about to ring. I'll see you tomorrow."

He left Virgil sitting there, sniffling. He was going to take Logan's advice. He would go up to Derril and tell him how much he sucked, and then he would explain himself to Patton, and then to Roman. He would fix the mess he made. He had to. No matter how much it would hurt.

~the next day~

Virgil walked out of school through the front gate, his head down as he contemplated how he would explain his actions to Patton and Roman. Out of the blue, he heard a familiar voice shouting, causing him to look up.

Derril and Roman were glaring at each other, Roman holding his car door open as if he was about to climb in. He slammed the door shut and yelled, "FUCK YOU!" at Derril, tears streaming down his face.

Virgil stood there and watched the scene unfold in horror.

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