First Day at Naru HighSchool

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      Winston's POV

       Mom is being a nervous wreck, she was worried about my first day of school.  Saying that I wouldn't fit in, or there isn't going to be food I like, and Nobody will treat her "baby boy" good. She's being 10 times more anxious than me. I make my way across the living room and to the dining room.  I had to stop mom from freaking out anymore. I watched her frantically moves across the kitchen,  Mom is muttering under her breathe.  


"MOM!, YOU ALRIGHT!?" Mother had stepped on a puddle of water and slipped. I quickly make my way to her. Helping her up, She dusts off her apron and quickly gets back in the swing of things. "Mom, are you alright?" 

"... Of course sweetie." 

Her smile insuring me she was okay, but her eyes said her hip hurts. I told her she should rest, and reinsuring her that I am going to be okay.  Mom offers to bring me to school, but I knew her hip was killing her. 

"It's okay, Please rest."

She looks at me, a soft and small smile formed on her face. 

"Well, your lunch is in the fridge. Hope it suits your taste."

"Mom,  don't worry. I will eat anything you make me, I will love it."

Mother sighs. I could tell she was tired. Each year she does the same thing near the beginning of the year. Gets up super early and starts preparing things for me. I've told her many times that I could eat at school and she should get some rest. Sadly, mom also works late nights at the local convince store. I'm worrying she would be extremely tired and would faint or get sick if she stays up any longer. 

"Mom, please rest. I'll lock the door on my way out and turn off the stove."

Mom nods, she slowly gets up. I quickly make my way over to her side and let her use my arm as support. I walk her to her bedroom and rested her in the bed. Before I left her side, she placed her hand on my cheek. A gentle smile spread across her face, 

"I love you, sweetie. Good luck"

" Thank you, mom. I love you too."

I exited the room silently. Quickly grabbed my bag, keys, and lunch. Turning off the stove, I checked everything. I wiped the floor and grabbed an apple before leaving. After locking the door, I start running to the train station.
     >At School<

   I enter the school gates and looking around the campus. I took a deep breath in, Looking at my dream school. 

"I've worked hard for this! I am going to make this the best years of my life"

I start running to the auditorium. I just couldn't wait for my first day at Naru Highschool.

            (Bell rings)  

  "Hello students, I would like to welcome you guys to Naru highschool. My name is Principle Ace. I hope you guys enjoy your time here and make great memories for years to come. We are the divine cranes, So let's fight strong. So in order to do that please treat your classmates and school staff respectably .'' 

A round of applause starts, after that introduction of the school staff and student body, we learned the school motto and song. It was interesting, especially the newly designed library. After the assembly, all the students were directed to the gym.

" YEAR 1 STUDENTS, LINE UP HERE", shouted one of the members of the student body. I quickly scurried over to the table. While waiting in line, I took a look around. The same scene was to be seen, old friends meeting after a long time, the corner students leaning or sitting against the wall looking at books or phones, and the grammy awarding reunion of lovers. 

"Name and year?" asked a dirty blondish girl

"Willam Kobayashi, year 1" 

I thought it was strange that she asked me the year when it was obviously the first year. I look at shuffling through a bunch of papers. She seemed to notice that I was confused.

"Sorry for asking you the year, some students don't listen and enter the line without knowing. Well, here you go. Your first class would be on the second level. If you need help ask the Students wearing bright green T-shirts."

She gave me my schedule. I bowed and quickly made my way to my first class. Biology. 

 I got to my class. I looked up after checking my schedule again. A smile on my face. Opening the door, I looked in the classroom. My smile quickly fades, I saw him resting his head on a desk. 

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