Subconscious Dreams

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It is best to acknowledge that many people do not experience dreams or have a difficult time recalling what they dreamed about after waking up. I for one have not have been experiencing dreams lately, but I do not underestimate the power and influence they hold over my understanding of reality as I experience it consciously and unconsciously.

I've been studying my dreams a lot more, at least considering the representation of symbolism through a chaotic combination of the mind working after hours. Through my experience in the depths of the subconscious, as far as determining a boundary between the imagination, we use to construct different creative solutions that we happen through on our daily habitual selection of decisions. Our minds have given us a subconscious sandbox of emotions, memories and beliefs we hold motivated by our every individual reason of meaning and determining the quality of life we perceive.

Dreams are not limited to the human experience mind you, for example animals like dogs,lions,elephants, and many other creatures experienced this phenom where the observer is shut within traveling freely through the wrinkles experienced time itself.

Habitual dream cycles is where the daily experiences that we have for example, going to school, getting out of work or doing something with your friends. All of this information is recorded consciously and unconsciously. What dreams do is store those experiences in a collective library of memories in order to deconstruct and reconstruct those events in order to preserve experiences we have.

Dreams affect the way we perceive our memories and the inner conflicts of desire that we experience within the ego. They are a mirror of the clockwork behind the way our unconscious mind structures memory and experience to the atomic level.

I am writing this to inform and to share what I have learned through out my experience with dreams in order to provide context to how dreams are structured and to explain how dreams translate inner conflicts that have been consciously suppressed or not consciously dealt with.

It is wise to ask whether or not if dreams are even a real experience that we happen to have, it is  but for those who have nightmares those experiences seem to almost always exaggerate emotions and thoughts to extent where in some cases "nightmares" are created.

For example an experiencer wakes upon himself in terror gripping his chest in shock with his heart pounding, rambling about some man with a knife chasing him and he couldn't get away. The reaction the man had would have seem to be anyone's if it were happening in waking reality.

So then wheres the difference between the experiences we have consciously and unconsciously?

If we are able to experience such overwhelming feelings unconsciously, then dreams seem to stir up the inner most desires and fears within us.

Dreams also seem to  take place almost with other people we closely interact with, as our daily lives are structured around systems of other people, dreams often reflect this notion of being socially inclined to participate with a given interaction during the dream state that you would in a waking state in order to interpret the situation.

If there's a pattern in reality then there's a pattern within dreams, as if reality's imagination was dreaming about itself.

Dream patterns are derived from reoccurring desires that are being pursued consciously and unconsciously. Within the dream state the ego becomes purged of the awareness of desire as it manifest itself in unorthodox experiences relating to current or past context of meaning or perhaps a combination of both.

Dreams aren't just limited to the experience we have during sleep, pondering in thought or "day dreaming is considered to be a form of dream.

As day dream share almost identical characteristic of dream. For example when i day dream i tend to visualize my deepest passions or desires in many ways in order to construct a better understanding a for the way to achieve or accomplish them.

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