American Wal-mart

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(So quick setting, so Luce and da gang be visiting America. BTW I am gonna say IK about them cuz.....Fangirl also they somehow in our kinda world I guess you could say.  And well Idk y but I bump into them and this is just a summary of my reaction I don't judge. I would love some suggestions plz. for one shots.)

:My POV:

   I ran though Wal-mart looking at the short list my mom gave me, I ran through the cold dairy isle. I heard two people arguing both British. Not paying much at all , I reached to grabbed the butter on a high part of the freezer shelf. I sat there struggling until a tall man grabbed it for me. I took the butter from his hands and turned back, "Thank you, I hate being so short." He smiled back and looked to the girl behind him, she reminded me of myself a tad. With her brown eyes and brown short cut hair, she was about as tall as me too. "Not short just fun sized." I gave a small laugh to the joke I had heard a ton of times.

   The girl behind him rolled her eyes. "You know, you two remind me of someone." I smiled thinking of the Lockwood and Co. books. "My two favorites in the book were a guy named Lockwood and a girl name Lucy. They are so awesome honestly. You look so much like them....wait" I paused noticing their slightly worried faces. "What is your guys' names?" I asked tossing the butter into the basket I held. "Anthony Lockwood, and this is Lucy Carlyle." I smiled and stated jumping up and down. "OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I was quote unquote, 'fangirling like no other'. I noticed their very confused and scared looks. "Sorry I need to go." I waved wishing I could stay and talk, "Byeeeeeee" I skipped off finding words to tell my mother what had happened.

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