Baking Disaster

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When Marco woke up he wondered why his room was filled with different cooking ingredients. Marco got changed and went down the stairs.
He saw Star in the kitchen with her body dusted with flour and the whole kitchen in a mess.

"Star! What happened here?!",

"Oh! Hey Marco good morning!", Star said in her usual cheery voice.


"Oh here? I was baking a cake, you know? just wanted to try something new."

"Well, Why didn't you ask me? I think I'm a pretty good pastry maker myself."

"Okay well come here and help me.",

Marco and Star went to get ingredients for the cake and started mixing the ingredients together. When they were done they put it in the oven to rise. The kitchen was quite a mess when they were finished.

Marco happily said,

Star ran over to Marco to give him a hug, but since she went too fast she slipped and fell on Marco, They silently stared deeply into each others eyes.

"Woah." Star said

Marco then leaned in and kissed Star.

"Wish I did that earlier.",

They both giggled and leaned in for another kiss.


Starco StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora