Part 1 : Introduction

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In the geopolitical context of the 1st of march of the year 13600 (1375 on a Fengati calendar), Fengati is the main and only official language of the Fengati Empire. It is also an official language in Zamequaya, Izopaquitaya, Kopasasamaya and Mostobolaya. It is also the lithurgical language of Tahanism and of its diaspora, one of the most widespread in the world (at the time).

Here are the Fengati language's most outstanding features :

-All verbs, plurals, and any inflections or affixes are all highly regular and, most of the time, strict or unambigueous.

-All nouns, adjectives and pronouns are genderless. There isn't even a word for "girl" ; the word for "kid", or "human", is used.

-Plurals can sometimes make a word ambigeous, because it just replaces one of a word's vowels with a "ü".

Example :

Idiot = dubal

Idiots = dübal / dubül / dubalü*

*note that here, you can fill the vowel slot at the end of a word with a "ü".

-When translating a text into Fengati, one should not try to translate a word, but rather its meaning, using radical extensions, agglutinations and affixes.

-The word order is almost completely free.

Example :

I drink water = lipo vatr / vatr lipo

In this guide, you will (hopefully) find, chapter after chapter, every bit of information to allow you to speak the most useless language on Earth. Some chapters will be easy and short, and some others, long and complex. And the language itself is very weird, obviously. I think it's easy. Not sure about that, though.

I do not take responsability for headaches, epilepsy and nausea.

Good luck, waalea.

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