Part 5 : NW / Naked Words

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A naked word is a word's purest version. It can then be followed by affixes or one of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u but not ê, ë). For example, you previously learned the words "uma", "falena" and "buz". Uma, um, ume, umi and umo mean the same. Same for buz, buzo, buzi and the rest. Which means you could make a plural with a naked word to make it as short as possible. For example, if you replace the only vowel in "um" to say "humans", you'll get "üm". And even if the naked word ends with a consonnant (it's often the case), you can create a "ü" at the end of the word, but it won't be a NW anymore. Example :

Um -> üm / umü

A word, may it be naked or not, is still the same word ; when I say that "falenadya" means "behind a moth", then you can either say "falenadya" or "falendya", and it's the same.

Now find these words' naked versions :

Bomb = bumbasa

Food, meal = kebo

Dog = henti

Furnace = furna

In the next chapter, I will explain how to introduce yourself (yay, no grammar) and ask about someone's mood, and how to say goodbye.

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