4: Just underwear

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Y/N: Mmmm... [What time is it?]

You turn over, and begin to slowly open your eyes to see the time, only to find you're not where you thought you'd be.

Y/N: (Jolts up from bed.) [W-Where am I? This is definitely not my room....]

(Looks down)

Y/N: These aren't my clothes...

Haru: They're mine.

Y/N: (Startled) Ah! H-Haru?

Haru walks into the room with a mug in hand and gently places it on the nightstand beside you.

Haru: You threw up all over your clothes last night so I changed you into those.

Y/N: I-I t-threw up on my clothes? WAIT and you changed me?!

Haru: I had no choice, you kind of knocked out after puking all over yourself. I also wiped you down a bit with a wet cloth.

Y/N: [He did what?! ] *Blushes*

Haru: Speaking of you should probably take a shower. There's hot coco in that mug although I don't know if that's entirely good for you right now. I'll get you water too, you should hydrate as much as you can. Give me a second.

Y/N: [This feels so unreal, I feel so bad... What all happened last night. I'm not one to entirely drink myself stupid and not remember anything so wha-] (Thinks).... (Remembers).... OH MY GOD!! 

Haru: (Appears) Is everything all right? 

Y/N: Oh No, everything is fine... [F*ck F*ckity F*ck F*CK!!!] (Internal screaming)

Haru: Here's the water, I'll go start the bath for you.

Y/N: Um ok... [Stay calm, okay stay calm... I should drink what he's given me and get up to go wash up and leave as soon as possible. Yeah that's what i'll do, just drink, get up, bathe, and leave. Easy enough....]

You slowly drink a bit of the hot coco Haru had originally brought you, and drank some water as well before you finally decided to step out of bed, although.


Y/N: [I can barely move... Ugh, I feel so dizzy and sick again...]

Haru: Hey are you okay?

Haru kneels down on the floor where you fell to help lift you back up. Due to your aggressive hangover as Haru begins to lift you up you fall into his chest and hold tightly on to his shirt as you hold back the feeling to be sick and the shakes you suddenly start to have from being dehydrated.

Y/N: [I hate hangovers...]

Haru: Come on, let me take you to the bathroom it's better for you to be there right now then here.

You nod unable to fight back.


Haru: Do you still feel like being sick?

Y/N: Just a little bit.

Haru: You should really take a bath, but I can't leave you to take one on your own.

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