11: Change in Face

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Y/N: Um Haru you should eat your food.... Haru?

Haru: *Mumbles* I came so fast...

Haru has himself slouching down in shame over his food with his hands against his forehead.

Y/N: You shouldn't be worrying about that either way it wasn't bad and we can always do it again.

Haru: (Rises) Really?

Y/N: Y-yes of course... We are boyfriend and girlfriend now, we can do it whenever...

Haru: So can we do it again right now? 

He looks directly at you with sexy longing eyes.

Y/N: Wha-what?! No, not anymore today... another time.

Haru: If that's what you want i'll listen.

Y/N: [To be honest my lady bits kind of hurts from what we just did, I don't think I could handle it again.]

Haru: But next time...

Y/N: Hm?

Haru: Next time I won't hold back

Y/N: *Blushes* [I didn't think he was holding back?...]

Haru: And I'll definitely last a lot longer too. (Sips tea and starts eating)

Y/N: *Blushes* Ah... I-If you say so... [God I've been stuttering so much today...]


***In front of Your apartment door***

Y/N: Thank you so much for having me for dinner.

Haru: I'd have you again, if you'd let me.

Y/N: ?! *Explodes*

Haru: *Slightly smirks* Hm...

Haru leans in and gently kisses you on the forehead.

Haru: (Back to his straight face) Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/N: O-Okay! (Panicked)

***The next day***

Asahi: Aye Haru buddy, you good?

Haru: Hm?

(Standing in front of their lockers)

Haru: Yeah, why?

Asahi: You kinf of look out of it, did something happen?

Haru: Possibly.

Asahi: Okay either something happened or nothing did, come on man don't be so vague.

Haru: What do you want from me?

Asahi: Just don't leave me in the daaark, I wanna know what happened.

Haru: I never said if something happened or not.

Asahi: Hmph, why are you so complicated.

Seijuro: Aye! Fish brain and No brain let's go! Practice is starting.

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