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Four Months Later

The team walked in from another mission, laughing. Ron had his arm slung around Shay's shoulders, the group laughing at something Brock had said and then Adam's reaction. They all melded together so well. The guys tried their hardest to include me as much as possible, and Shaylee had just become indifferent to my presence, or she just ignored it completely. I had taken to calling her Shay or Shaylee in reference but avoided using any true name or title when speaking to her. It worked. She never mentioned anything about it.

As for my lessons with Ron, the other two guys had started rotating in and helping out as well. Shaylee was still unaware of it- to my knowledge at least. Though she was quite naive, she was a very intelligent person. They all were. Except for Brock. He was a little bit of a ditz. But all the same, they did not fully live up to the example many other Astro-fighters before they had set.

"Good work, team." I greeted them, smiling. Shaylee frowned at me, looking closely. My smile dropped. "What? What did I do?" I looked at the other three.

"You're not wearing your glasses, you cut your hair, and you shaved." Shaylee rattled off, getting closer to me. "It's shorter on top." She observed. I moved away from her, not turning red. I had thankfully moved passed that stage.

"Yeah, that's what I did this morning. Shaved after I got my hair cut." She hummed in response, grabbing the back of my chair. She leaned closer to me, still examining me.

"I'm not a fan," she said curtly. "I personally think you look better with a little bit of stubble. But that's not the only thing. You haven't worn a shirt that fitted. You've gained muscle. Since when do you work out?" Damn her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I looked past her curled black hair and sapphire blue eyes to Ron, practically screaming for help. He just looked defeated. He knew this was where we were found out.

"No. You do. This shirt is a size smaller than your others. You've thinned out and gotten broader, however, your legs haven't. You've been working out. Then, you just looked past me. You're lying to me. Just tell me the truth, Bates." Her stare was too intense. I broke.

"Fine! You got me! The guys, primarily Ron, have been training me so I won't be a liability!" She pushed herself back so she wasn't as close to me as she had been. She turned to the other three.

"Boys, is this true?" She asked. Ron sighed, nodding.

"Yeah, it was my idea. I take full responsibility." He took a step towards her, almost like he was showing he wasn't afraid of her.

"Hm," she hummed before she started pacing. She seemed surprisingly calm. I was terrified. I hadn't seen her truly angry. I fear this was when I was going to. "Is he any good?" She asked, looking at the other men as she paced. Ron's eyes widened.

"I mean, he's alright. He can take Brock down by overpowering him," Ron answered, still watching more her chest.

He had taught me that when fighting somebody in combat, their chest typically gave away their next move. As much as she tried to fight it, that one of Shay's biggest flaws in combat. I had started watching them fight closer, trying to learn. Her chest gave her away nearly every time, so she moved quickly.

"Okay, then." She breathed, turning to me. "Get changed. Gym, now." At that, she turned and left me and the other three in the mission room alone. I was stunned.

"Dude, you're so screwed," Brock said, still wide-eyed at the door. I had a feeling all four of us would be in scalding hot water if I didn't show some signs that I could fight well enough to protect myself. I quickly jogged to my room where I changed into a tank top and shorts, only to sprint down to the gym where Shaylee was stretching.

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