Chapter 3

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"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!" Virgil winced as his father yelled at him and Patton. "Your reckless actions could have revealed us to the humans. Dangerous creatures that think of nothing but themselves."

"It wasn't our fault, sir. Humans came to the ocean and-"


Patton immediately shut up. It was impossible to explain anything to Virgil's father. Which irritated Virgil and Patton to no end. Most of the time the two wandered out for fun while Virgil's father had "king" stuff to do.

"Now, I'm going to see how bad the damage was done by the two of you and if anything serious has to be done about it."

Virgil rolled his eyes.

"You two are excused."

The both of them left without another word.


Logan was sitting on his bed. The lab suggested that it was in his best interest to not come in today and rest after falling into the ocean the night before. Logan reluctantly agreed but his mind was still racing. He looked at something that he had been drawing.

A purple tail swimming away from him.

It couldn't have been real. Or maybe just a weird looking fish. Logan was chalking it up to lack of oxygen making him see things. But another part of his brain was questioning the whole thing. "Uuuhhggg!" Logan slammed his book shut and stood up.

Maybe a small walk on the beach would help clear everything up.


Virgil was grumbling outside the king's chambers, running a hand through his purple hair. "So what are we gonna do Virge?" Patton asked, blue hair falling in front of his face.

Virgil paused, knowing his idea was completely crazy. "I want to know if that person is alright." Virgil said.

"WHAT?! Virgil you know we can't go to the shore not after-"

"I know, Patton. But I just need to know."

Patton frowned, "How are you even going to pull this off? Without revealing anything of course." Patton asked.

Virgil held his chin before his eyes lit up, "I actually have the perfect idea! Follow me!" Virgil swam away.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Patton said before following his friend.


Logan was standing on a boardwalk; several boats were sailing out to sea. But Logan was in no mood to go out. In fact he was more in the mood for a nap, but he was sure that he would be called back to the lab eventually.

Most people were like that. Not letting Logan get the peace of mind that he frankly deserved. He took a deep breath, the smell of sulfur and fish promptly filling his nostrils. He still wasn't sure how he was saved that night. There was too much chaos to think properly.

Maybe some quiet would fix that.


"Your idea is crazy."

"I know."

"You're going to get us into a world of trouble!"


"You don't know what you're thinking."

"Yes I do." Virgil swam into an area right before the king's vault.

"Ok how are you even planning on getting into the vault anyways? Ok actually what exactly are you looking for in there?"

"All that's been explained to us is that it's forbidden to walk among the humans. And that's all we've ever known, that it's forbidden. So I looked into why. Something that people don't really know is that we used to walk among the humans. But someone exposed us hundreds of years ago. And now it's forbidden. But I know how they walked about the humans." Virgil swam up to the vault and put his hand on a scanner. It blinked green before letting the two of them inside.

"Ok mind explaining your plan?" Patton folded his arms.

"Give me a second to find it." Virgil started to swim around the vault messing with items.

"Don't make too much of a mess, if the king sees this he'll know we were the ones in here."

"Oh stop being such a worry wart Patton!" Virgil yelled. "Got it!" Virgil swam out, holding a puka shell necklace.

"Whoa." Patton breathed.

"Cool isn't it? Almost all of these were destroyed after walking among humans became forbidden. But I knew my dad is very sentimental of the past and he kept one. Here it is." Virgil stared at the thing in his hand.

"So wait, you're telling me your plan is to blend in with the humans and hopefully be able to see this person is ok?"

"Sounds about right."

"You're plan is stupid Virge. And I'm normally the one that comes up with the stupid ideas."

Virgil shrugged, "Maybe it's my turn to make questionable choices."


"We need you to come back to the lab."

"You're kidding right?"

"Unfortunately not, there's some questions that we have that only you can answer. Which, personally, you should be taking as a compliment."

"Normally I would, but after falling into the ocean and nearly dying I'm in just the slightest bit of a mood."

"We understand, Logan. But you are the only one who can help us. After all, it is the reason you traveled across the world right?"

"I guess you're correct. Fine, I'll make my way down."

"Wonderful! We'll see you in a jiffy!"

Logan hung up his phone with half the mind to throw it across the room. This Thomas was really starting to be a pain in his butt. And Logan knew that he was going to have to deal with this until his "mission" as his work put it was over.

Logan adjusted his glasses before heading out the door. Maybe he'll decide on walking, take as much time as possible. Logan wasn't normally one to pull "petty" stunts such as this but going to Australia in the first place was never his idea.

Sometimes being the smartest really sucked.


Virgil was sitting on the sand, puka necklace still in hand. "Are you sure about this Virgil?" Patton was still mostly submerged and the both of them were quickly realising that they should hurry. Humans walking into some deserted patch of sand with someone with a tail would be most odd.

Unless they were in some place like the Americas. Then people would surely think they were acting out a scene of some sort.

But unfortunately, they were not.

"This is something you're just going to have to trust me on Patton."

Patton gave a soft chuckle, "You know I trust you kiddo. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

It was Virgil's time to give a laugh, "You know you're starting to sound like me Patton."

"Maybe you're just rubbing off on me."

The two of them stayed silent before Patton brought Virgil into a hug, "Don't do anything too stupid."

Virgil felt himself start to cry, "Everything will be ok Patton... I'll be home soon enough." But even Virgil knew he couldn't lie to himself. He knew this would lead to something serious.

(here you go. I'm actually having some fun with this story and can't wait to see where I take it. Hope you all enjoyed and until the next chapter, see you later

Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals


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