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After a very awkward car ride, we make it home and he almost runs inside

I sigh and follow him

"Hey Ja- oh wait" his mom says as he walks right past her

"Is he okay?" She asks me

"Yeah we went out to lunch after I picked him up and this kid and his friends were being mean to him"

"Oh I can't believe they still haven't stopped!" She exclaims putting her head in her hands

"Stopped what?"

"Well the group you saw, bully him a lot for no reason. And they have ever since 7th grade. I'm surprised they haven't stopped cause it's been 6 years"

"Oh wow"

"Yeah. They're awful people. Funny thing is they're all siblings"

"All 6 of them?"

"Well 3 are siblings and 3 are cousins of them. Their mom and I used to be really close friends in high school so when we both got pregnant with our firsts Jack and for her, her son Hayden we made them be best friends. Well that didn't go well and they ended up getting in a fight at the end of 6th grade and then they all started bullying him the next year"

"Oh wow what was the fight about"

"I don't know Jack still won't tell me. But I feel bad that they still do that to him"

"Yeah. Also I think someone may have stolen his lunch today."

"I wouldn't be surprised. Anyways do you mind just being nice to him for today. I can just sense that he didn't have a great day"

"Sure. I know I may act like I don't like him but I'm actually starting to feel a brother sister bond"

Okay that's a lie but still I want to make this lady like me

My dad is so lucky that I want him and this girl to last

"Thank you so much."

"Yeah Of course. So um I should go check on him"

I leave the kitchen and go up to my I mean our room

I hear crying and I sigh

I gently walk in and he looks up

"Go away" he sniffles

"I'm sorry"

"You embarrassed me and now they're going to hurt me even more"


"No go away I don't want to see you"

"But Jack-"


"I'm not going away. This is my room and I'm not going to let you cry in it alone"

"Then I'll go cry outside" he stands up but I push him back down

"No. Here I'll cry with you" I sit on his bed and try to make myself cry

See I can make myself cry easily. All I gotta do is scrunch up my face and make a bunch of expressions and my tears will come out

"What are you doing" He asks and I stop making my faces

"Trying to cry"

"Well don't. You look really stupid"

"Right right. Now tell me what's wrong."

"You already know. Now please get out of my bed"

"I want to help you. Come on I'm a great advice giver"

"I don't need your help"

"Really cause it looks like you do. I mean crying alone in the dark on your bed isn't going to help you much"

"Fine what do you want me to say. They bully me everyday, so what I'm used to it by now"

"You shouldn't be used to this type of mistreatment Jack."

"Well I am"

"Come on be happy you're making me all depressed. Now smile"

"No I don't smile"

"Come on please. For me smile"

"Ew I'm definitely not smiling for you"

"Wow okay I get that you're hurting right now but you don't have be so rude"

"Just go away" he says with a slight smile

"Aw is Jacky smiling" I say in a baby voice and reach out to pinch his cheeks

"Stop that" he swats my hands away and I see an even bigger smile

"Awww you ARE smiling. See I'm a life saver."

"I'm not smiling"

"Really then why can I see your teeth"

"Cause I'm talking. FINE! I'm smiling but only because you are stupid"

"Well I may be stupid but I also just made you smile"

"Okay can you leave now"

"Hey no we're having brother-sister bonding time."

"Well times done"

"Oof okay I felt that right here" I point to my heart and he silently laughs

"I saw that" I point out

He rolls his eyes and lays down

"I'm tired now leave"

"Na I'm going to take a nap with you" I lay down next to him and put my arm around him

"Don't you have a boyfriend to do this with"

"Yeah but he's not here right now. So can you just enjoy this before I hate you again"


"Good boy" I pat his head and his hair is really soft

"What products do you use."


"For your hair I've never seen such soft curly hair"

"I'll show you later."

"Okay fun. Now I'm going to play with it"


"Cause I want to now shut up and fall asleep."

Soon i here soft snores and he's asleep

I start to play with his hair and his snores get louder meaning he's falling deeper asleep

Ha! I knew he'd enjoy me playing with his hair

✅ Siblings// J.A ✅Where stories live. Discover now