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Some tea is about to be spilled about Kallie and her dad's past in this chapter and the next so yeah be ready

Its intense and dramatic

"Guess who just figured out the wedding dates" my dad shouts walking in the house

I look up from my phone and him and Kristin are standing with smiles on their faces

"Oooo when is it?" I ask

"September 27th"

"Oh cool. So can I have some money"


"Oh me and Jonah's 2 year anniversary is next week on the 7th and I kinda need to get him something but I have no money. Soooo can I have some"

"Honey isn't that the anniversary of your mother's death too"

"Oh... yeah. Thanks for bringing that up"

"I'm sorry I did I was just making sure. Um how much do you want 100, 200, 300. Seriously any amount I'm sorry I brought it up"

"Ooo any?" I smirk knowing he'll give me whatever since he made me sad

"Any amount"

"How about 1,000"

"U-Um sure I-i don't really have that but I'll do it"

"Seriously Kallie don't make your dad do that" Jack speaks up

"Why can't he. He said any amount. I mean of course you wouldn't understand your mom is perfectly alive and you don't have to be dealing with the pain of it being 2 years without her"

"Do you really need 1,000 dollars for an anniversary gift"

"I just wanted to get him something good. Also maybe flowers for my moms grave"

"Aren't those like a dollar"

"Well Jack, I would like to give my mom very good flowers. You know I miss my mom so much so I want to give her the best"

"It's not like she's getting them"

"So I shouldn't want to give her something good because she won't actually get them"

"I mean yeah"

"Well aren't you just a positive person" I roll my eyes

"I'm just realistic"

"And a dick" I stand up and slam my chair in running up to my room

I jump in my bed and start to cry

Jack ruins everything

First he steals half my room, then he makes Jonah like him, then he uses me and Jonah having sex as blackmail then he ruins our dates, and now he's ruining my happiness

I was obviously joking about 1,000 dollars but no he's so uptight and can't take a joke

And now I'm sad because he made me realize how much I miss my mom.

If my mom was still here I would be able to live with her instead of Jack

I start to cry into my pillow and I hear my door close and open

"G-go away"

"Can i talk to you please?" I hear my dad say

"What now. Are you going to tell me how it was wrong of me to call Jack a dick and that I have to be nicer to him. Well guess what I'm trying to be nicer to him. I talked to him about being bullied and made him happy again that was being nice. I let him have half my room that's being nice. I've done so much for him to be nice and I'm tired of it. He's not trying to be nice to me so why should I be nice" I say turning around and sitting up

"Cause I-"

"Really like his mom and if I'm mean he'll tell her to break up with you I get it but for once think about how hard it is for me to be nice to him. He is so rude to me and I just have to be nice to him or else he'll tell you"

"Tell me?"

"Uh never mind"

"No no what"

"I-I can't tell you"

"Kallie tell me"

"I really can't. The whole reason he's using it against me is because you'll kill me and Jonah if he tells you"

"So it has to do with Jonah"

"Dad please"

"Just tell me okay I promise I won't be mad"

"Fine. Me and Jonah have had sex before and we've had it a lot. Please don't be mad. I love him and I really think we'll last forever"

"Did you want to do it or did he force you"

"Oh my god dad of course I wanted to. I actually brought it up to him"

"Why didn't you tell me"

"You would've killed Jonah. I know how badly you and mom wanted me to wait till marriage but it was hard because it was me and his one year anniversary and the one year of mom's death and I felt so sad and I needed something to help"

"There's many other things you could've done"

"Yeah well I didn't and it already happened there's no way I can change that"

"I just wish you told me"

"I'm sorry I didn't. I was going to but I thought you would've kicked me out. And if you did I wouldn't even have anywhere else to go cause of mom" I tear up at the thought of her but quickly wipe it away

Tea starts now

"Do you still miss her?" He asks

"Of course. I miss her so much. I wish she was still here. Do you?"

"Let me be honest. I miss how happy you were with her still here. Me and your mom had really big issues in our marriage and you were the only reason we were together."

"S-so you don't miss her. How could you say that"

"Hey I miss her, just not in the same way you do"

"Is that why you left us, left me for 5 years"


"No! You left us for 5 years all alone. We had nothing dad nothing and you left"

When I was 4 my dad randomly left the house and didn't come back

I was only 4 so of course I didn't understand what was happening. My mom always told me he would come back and he did, except when he did it was just to divorce my mom

I was heartbroken but I eventually got over it and forgave my dad

"I left you guys money"

"But not enough. Where did you go for all those years"

"Jack..." he whispers

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