You get hurt

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You hissed in pain as you dropped the kitchen knife. You had cut your finger while cutting up fruit for a late night snack. Your hand must have slipped or something.

Hearing the metal clatter on the floor, Leo came in to see what happened and went wide eyed seeing your blood drip onto the counter. Without a word he gently grabbed your hand, cleaned off the blood and got a band aid.

He kissed your palm, making you blush. "Care to come back to finish the movie, Ms. Accident Prone?" He teased. "It's not that bad!"

"Says the one who almost spilled hot cocoa on themselves."

You pouted, making him chuckle. He pecked your lips before guiding you back to your room.


You sighed for the fifth time in the span of ten minutes. Why? Because your red clad boyfriend was slightly freaking out. And by slightly, I mean like not slightly at all. He wouldn't even let you out of bed. You had dislocated your shoulder when you were pushed down the stairs. Of course it was an accident, but Raph wasn't really listening right now.

"(Y/N), tell me who did it and I'll go give 'em hell! No one hurts my girl like that, oh just wait until I get my hands on 'em, they won't even see i-"

You had gotten up during his ranting, pulled him down to your level and smashed your lips to his. When you pulled away you huffed, "Enough. I'll be fine, it was an accident. Now come cuddle." You dragged him over to your bed and sat down. He sat next to you as carefully as possible.

You sighed and made your way into his lap and rested your head on his shoulder. "You worry too much." He kissed the top of your head. "Only for you Honeybee."


You came home, tossing your hokey gear onto the floor by your closet. To say it was a rough game was an understatement, there had been a couple fights due to the other team, and they were especially violent tonight. One of the players gave you a few bruises and a split lip. Fun.

You stretched a bit, groaning. "Yeah, I'm defenetly gonna be sore in the morning." You sighed. You froze for a moment hearing a tap on your window and turn around, but relax seeing it's Donnie. You go over and open up the window for him. "Goodness, Hun, that looks bad. Rowdy game, huh?" He pointed out, you begin stretching again. "You don't know the half of it, Slick. Two fights and a lot of shoving." You explained briefly.

He watches you stretch for a moment before gently pushing you into a chair and getting a first aid kit. "Well, lucky for my Darling, I know just the thing to help." He came back and cleaned your lip. "I also iced a few bruises earlier." You add when he finished. He smiled and kissed your cheek.

"Well, all that's left for me to do is-" He scooped you up and settled on the bed. "This." He wrapped his arms around you carefully. "I love you."

"I love you too."


You were learning a new trick on your skateboard, it didn't look so hard and you were a pretty quick learner in general. After a few tries, you managed to get the hang of it. Now all that was left was to wait for dark so you could show Mikey.

You decided to kill some time by skating around the park a couple times. It was a really nice day today, so a lot of other people came to the park too. It was around late evening by now. You were skating until a wheel caught a rock and skid, causing you to fall forward. You landed hard on your hands and knees. You weren't wearing knee pads or gloves, so it stung. You quickly got up, grabbing your board and went to find a bathroom to clean out the scrapes.

When you got out, you noticed it was dark out and people had cleared from the park for the most part. You went and waited over by a bench near the skating area. After a few minutes, two hands covered your eyes. "Guess who." Mikey's voice came from behind you. You pretended to think about it. "Mmm, is it Spider-man?" There was a pause and you laughed, "I know it's you, Mikey." He removed his hands off of your eyes, sitting next to you and giving a grin.

"Good, I would've been sad if you didn't." You rolled your eyes playfully. "I'll always know it's you, Baby." He kissed your cheek, but noticed that your knees were bleeding. He went wide eyed, "Sugar, what happened?" You shrugged, "I was skating around the park and I fell. It's fine, I cleaned it." He kneeled down and pulled a couple band-aids from his shell, putting them on your knees and kissed both of them after. "There, now my Baby's all better." He grinned pulling you up to your feet. "Come on, you can show me that new trick you were learning."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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